


It's not possible to upload a file with the name "$2" because it is a very common or uninformative file name. Please go back and choose a better file name. When uploading files to Wikipedia, please use a file name that describes the content of the image or media file you're uploading and is sufficiently distinctive that no-one else is likely to pick the same name by accident.

Examples of good file names:

"City of London skyline from London City Hall - Oct 2008.jpg"
"KDE Kicker config screenshot.png"
"1863 Meeting of Settlers and Maoris at Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.jpg"
"Polyhedron with no vertex visible from center.png"

Examples of bad file names:


For more information, please see Wikipedia:Image file names. If you have a good reason for uploading a file with this name, or if you receive this message when attempting to upload a new version of an existing file, please let us know at Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard. Be sure to specify the exact name of the file you are trying to upload. Thank you.

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