

Mir-Susne-Hum (Mir-Setivi-Ho, Kan-iki or Otr-iki ) (lit. The world observing man) is a culture hero of the Samoyedic and Ob-Ugrian peoples. He was the seventh son of Num-Torum, the supreme god of the Ob-Ugrian peoples, and acted as a mediator between humans and the god Num-Torum. Because Mir-Susne-Hum's mother, Kaltes-Ekwa, was defeated by her husband in heaven, this meant that Mir-Susne-Hum had to be born on earth. His antagonist was Jelping-Ja-Oyka.

After a certain transformation, Mir-Susne-Hum was given an iron horse with eight wings.

Further reading

  • Abenójar Sanjuán, Óscar. “La deidad obi-ugria El Hombre que Vigila el Mundo y el mito de la Estrella Alce”. In: Culturas Populares. Revista Electrónica 6 (enero-junio 2008). http://www.culturaspopulares.org/textos6/articulos/abenojar.htm; ISSN 1886-5623.

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