
Telephone numbers in Mauritius

Telephone numbers in Mauritius

Mauritius telephone calling codes

Telephone numbers in Mauritius follow a closed numbering plan and are regulated by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority.

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Numbering details

Mauritian phone numbers are seven (landline) to eight digits (mobile) long. Landline numbers begin with 2 (north), 4 (central), or 6 (south). Mobile numbers begin with the digit 5 or 7.[1][2]

Calling formats

To call a Mauritius mobile phone, the following format is used:

  • 5 123 4567 Calls inside Mauritius
  • +230 5 123 4567 Calls from outside Mauritius

To call a Mauritius fixed line, the following format is used:

  • 123 4567 Calls inside Mauritius
  • +230 123 4567 Calls from outside Mauritius


  1. "How to call Mauritius (country code +230)". Retrieved 30 May 2018.
  2. "Telecom Numbering". Retrieved 8 May 2024.

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