
Wikipedia:Main Page/Commons media protection

Wikipedia:Main Page/Commons media protection

To trigger cascading protection of a Commons media file:

  1. Add its name to the list below. Use the following format: File:Example.jpg | Description
  2. Protection will not take effect instantly. This typically occurs within minutes, but it could take longer.
  3. Only transclude a file on the main page when KrinkleBot has transcluded it at Commons:Auto-protected files/wikipedia/en.
  4. Do not remove the previous file from the list when adding a new image. Keeping it in the list ensures that it remains protected and ready to reuse if its replacement is removed from the main page.
  5. If you add a file, please consider removing it when it no longer needs protection

Administrator instructions


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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Wikipedia:CMP, and is written by contributors. Text is available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 International License; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.