
ÖSYM • osym
March 17, 2018 1 min

In addition to temperature, other factors such as the availability of water, prevalence of high winds, and the duration and intensity of sunlight also limit the geographical areas in which various crops can be grown. However, as far as getting the best crop is concerned, even when fruit trees have bloomed satisfactorily, temperature can be a determinant of whether a good crop will be harvested. Most deciduous fruits need pollination, which is normally done by honeybees. If the temperature is not right, the bees just quit flying, and that can mean a very poor crop indeed. Even if the bees fly and pollen is spread, the pollen must germinate and the pollen tube grow down to the ovule, a process that can be severely restricted by unseasonably low temperatures. And even when pollination has been successful, the growth of individual grape berries (botanically, grapes are berries) can be restricted by both too high and too low temperatures.

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