Want to avoid heated arguments? Try this technique before having a difficult conversation

There are things you can do to stop conversations about sensitive topics turning into a quarrel.

Gregory R. Maio, Professor of Psychology, University of Bath • conversation
Feb. 9, 2023 ~7 min

Thinking objectively about romantic conflicts could lead to fewer future disagreements

Disputes are normal in romantic partnerships, but learning to see them from an outsider’s perspective, rather than your biased point of view, could be the key to cutting down on conflicts.

Lindsey Rodriguez, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of South Florida • conversation
Aug. 19, 2021 ~5 min

It's not just bad behavior – why social media design makes it hard to have constructive disagreements online

How social media services work – the nuts and bolts of interacting with others online – has the power to shape and improve online arguments. Here's how.

Amanda Baughan, PhD Student in Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington • conversation
July 7, 2021 ~8 min

Arguing with the people you love? How to have a healthy family dispute

Disputes can seem to threaten us and what we stand for morally.

Jessica Robles, Lecturer in Social Psychology, Loughborough University • conversation
April 23, 2021 ~6 min

'Constructive arguing' can help keep the peace at your Thanksgiving table

Talking with people who hold different political views doesn't have to be an exercise in futile rage. Here are some tips to help you peacefully and fruitfully discuss spicy topics.

James M. Honeycutt, Lecturer in Executive Education, The University of Texas at Dallas and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies from Louisiana State University, University of Texas at Dallas • conversation
Nov. 25, 2020 ~6 min

What primates can teach us about managing arguments during lockdown

Primates have evolved behavioural strategies that can minimise the risk and costs of conflict.

Nicola F. Koyama, Senior Lecturer in Biological & Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University • conversation
June 30, 2020 ~6 min

Strong opinions are irrational – here's why we should all be agnostic

Those with strong beliefs tend to be admired.

Darren Bradley, Associate Professor, University of Leeds • conversation
April 30, 2020 ~7 min
