Deepfake detection improves when using algorithms that are more aware of demographic diversity

New research found a way to both improve the accuracy of deepfake detection algorithms while also enhancing fairness.

Yan Ju, Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo • conversation
April 16, 2024 ~3 min

The Anthropocene epoch that isn’t – what the decision not to label a new geological epoch means for Earth’s future

Scientists Jan Zalasiewica and Erle Ellis on the recent decision to reject a proposal for a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.

Gemma Ware, Editor and Co-Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation • conversation
April 4, 2024 ~5 min

Climate quitting: the people leaving their fossil fuel jobs because of climate change

Grace Augustine talks about her interviews with people who’ve chosen to leave their jobs over climate change concerns on The Conversation Weekly podcast.

Gemma Ware, Editor and Co-Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation • conversation
March 21, 2024 ~4 min

A personal tale of intellectual humility – and the rewards of being open-minded

Daryl Van Tongeren explains what it means to be intellectually humble, and why it’s so important right now on The Conversation Weekly podcast.

Gemma Ware, Editor and Co-Host, The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation • conversation
Feb. 29, 2024 ~4 min

FCC bans robocalls using deepfake voice clones − but AI-generated disinformation still looms over elections

Deepfake technology is widely available, and a pivotal election year lies ahead. The FCC banned AI robocalls, but AI-enhanced disinformation campaigns remain a threat.

Joan Donovan, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Emerging Media Studies, Boston University • conversation
Feb. 8, 2024 ~6 min

Fake Biden robocall to New Hampshire voters highlights how easy it is to make deepfakes − and how hard it is to defend against AI-generated disinformation

Deepfake technology is widely available, and a pivotal election year lies ahead. The fake Biden robocall is likely to be just the latest of a series of AI-enhanced disinformation campaigns.

Joan Donovan, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Emerging Media Studies, Boston University • conversation
Jan. 23, 2024 ~7 min

Social media drains our brains and impacts our decision making – podcast

New research shows that scrolling through Instagram can effect our processing and language capabilities. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.

Jusneel Mahal, Freelance editor, The Conversation • conversation
Dec. 21, 2023 ~4 min

Hawaii's climate future: Dry regions get drier with global warming, increasing fire risk

Projections for Hawaii’s climate future are raising concerns about fire risk, ecosystems and freshwater supplies for homes and agriculture.

Kevin Hamilton, Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Hawaii • conversation
Aug. 16, 2023 ~8 min

AI scam calls imitating familiar voices are a growing problem – here's how they work

AI can generate a synthetic voice that sounds just like a loved one.

Oliver Buckley, Associate Professor of Cyber Security, University of East Anglia • conversation
July 12, 2023 ~6 min

How understanding plant body clocks could help transform how food is grown

Why plants’ oscillating genes matter for humans.

Katharine Hubbard, Reader in Biological Sciences Education, University of Hull • conversation
June 6, 2023 ~8 min
