US national parks are crowded – and so are many national forests, wildlife refuges, battlefields and seashores

Crowding is increasingly affecting all kinds of public lands. Adjoining communities need to find ways to manage it, or risk harm to the attractions that make them a destination.

Emily Wakild, Cecil D. Andrus Endowed Professor for the Environment and Public Lands, Boise State University • conversation
June 20, 2023 ~9 min

Nobel Prizes, election outcomes and sports championships – prediction markets try to foresee the future

Buying and selling stocks – with real or play money – is a way to harness the wisdom of the crowd about questions like who is going to win a competition.

Daniel O'Leary, Professor of Accounting and Information Systems, University of Southern California • conversation
Sept. 28, 2022 ~8 min

Correctional officers are driving the pandemic in prisons

New research shows correctional officers are vectors of infection, driving COVID-19 rates both inside prisons and in their communities.

Danielle Wallace, Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University • conversation
Aug. 18, 2021 ~7 min

Crowding in prisons increases inmates’ risk for COVID-19 infections

Citing COVID threat, researchers urge policy changes to ease prison crowding. New study recommends early release for inmates at low risk of reoffending.

Timothy Gower • harvard
Aug. 9, 2021 ~4 min

Pooling society's collective intelligence helped fight COVID – it must help fight future crises too

The WHO is creating a Global Pandemic Radar – an example of collective intelligence that must learn lessons from this pandemic.

Kathy Peach, Director of the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, Nesta • conversation
June 24, 2021 ~16 min

Pooling society's collective intelligence helped fight COVID – we can no longer ignore 'the wisdom of crowds'

The WHO is creating a Global Pandemic Radar – an example of collective intelligence that must learn lessons from this pandemic.

Kathy Peach, Director of the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, Nesta • conversation
June 24, 2021 ~16 min

Coronavirus: using crowd simulation to encourage social distancing

By using computer crowd simulations, we can figure out how large numbers of people can move around public space while maintaining social distancing.

Roland Geraerts, Assistant professor in Computer Science, Utrecht University • conversation
Aug. 4, 2020 ~5 min

What is tear gas?

The chemical weapon, tear gas, was used in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Orlando and several other cities to control crowds protesting the death of George Floyd. But what is it? Does it cause harm?

Janice Chambers, Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine; Director, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, Mississippi State University • conversation
June 4, 2020 ~4 min

Strong opinions are irrational – here's why we should all be agnostic

Those with strong beliefs tend to be admired.

Darren Bradley, Associate Professor, University of Leeds • conversation
April 30, 2020 ~7 min
