No space for a heat pump? Here’s how your whole street could get off gas heating

Shared ground heat exchanges could provide low-carbon heating for up to 80% of homes in the UK, research suggests.

David Barns, PhD Candidate and Research Assistant in Shared Ground Heat Exchange Policy, University of Leeds • conversation
April 11, 2022 ~6 min

Who owns Britain's underground heat? Answering this could help slash energy bills and carbon emissions

UK law currently regards heat as a physical characteristic, rather than a useful resource.

Ole Pedersen, Professor of Environmental Law, Aarhus University • conversation
Feb. 16, 2022 ~6 min

Gas boiler ban: how to make sure everyone can afford low-carbon heating

What if you could pay to heat your home the same way you pay to stream music? You can with heat-as-a-service.

Omid Omidvar, Lecturer in Strategic Management, Aston University • conversation
June 24, 2021 ~7 min

How sewage plants and data centres could help heat one in five UK homes

District heating can recycle waste heat and pump it where it's needed.

Ran Boydell, Visiting Lecturer in Sustainable Development, Heriot-Watt University • conversation
June 4, 2021 ~7 min

Buildings consume lots of energy – here's how to design whole communities that give back as much as they take

Net zero energy buildings produce at least as much energy as they use. Designing whole net zero campuses and communities takes the energy and climate benefits to a higher level.

Charles F. Kutscher, Fellow and Senior Research Associate, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Institute, University of Colorado Boulder • conversation
May 26, 2020 ~9 min
