Friendship research is getting an update – and that's key for dealing with the loneliness epidemic

Psychology researchers have focused on the idea that people form friendships with those who are similar, familiar and nearby. But how do individual people pick those who will become their friends?

Jessica D. Ayers, Assistant Professor of Psychological Science, Boise State University • conversation
Nov. 1, 2023 ~9 min

Wild chimpanzees and gorillas can form long friendly associations that last decades – new research

Friendships between these two very different primates likely outlasted your promise to be best buds forever with your school classmates.

Chris Young, Senior Lecturer in Evolution and Social Behaviour, Nottingham Trent University • conversation
Oct. 31, 2022 ~6 min

Family and friends may beat stats in COVID vax persuasion

Signals people receive from family and friends may have more influence over the likelihood they'll get a COVID-19 vaccine than public health messages.

Amanda McGregor-Brown • futurity
July 25, 2022 ~5 min

Male dolphins with more friends father more babies

Popularity, not strength or age, determine the reproductive success of male dolphins, a new study shows.

Rita Ziegler-Zurich • futurity
March 24, 2022 ~5 min

What happens to your life stories if you delete your Facebook account?

Many people are feeling the urge to quit Facebook. It’s not hard to do, technically speaking. It’s a good idea, however, to pause first and look back on your digital memories.

Michael Humphrey, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Communication, Colorado State University • conversation
Oct. 15, 2021 ~5 min

Male giraffes have more social connections than females

Female giraffes may have closer friends, but males have more social connections, perhaps due to their wide roaming in search of females to mate with.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Sept. 27, 2021 ~7 min

Growing cannabis indoors produces a lot of greenhouse gases – just how much depends on where it's grown

Growing weed indoors is not an environmentally friendly process. Climate controls create a lot of greenhouse gas emissions, and where the pot is produced has a huge influence on emission levels.

Hailey Summers, Ph.D. Student in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainability, Colorado State University • conversation
March 8, 2021 ~5 min

Female giraffes with more friends live longer

Gregarious female giraffes that develop a sense of larger community live longer than those with fewer friends, a new study shows.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Feb. 25, 2021 ~5 min

Teens may bully friends to boost social rank

Teens who bully, harass, or otherwise victimize their friends probably do so to get to the top of their school's social hierarchy, a new study shows.

Karen Nikos-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 21, 2021 ~7 min

Teens may bully friends to boost social rank

Teens who bully, harass, or otherwise victimize their friends probably do so to get to the top of their school's social hierarchy, a new study shows.

Karen Nikos-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 21, 2021 ~7 min
