Wild turkey numbers are falling in some parts of the US – the main reason may be habitat loss

Wild turkeys were overhunted across the US through the early 1900s, but made a strong comeback. Now, though, numbers are declining again. Two ecologists parse the evidence and offer an explanation.

William Gulsby, Associate Professor of Wildlife Management, Auburn University • conversation
today ~10 min

This year’s cicada invasion will be double trouble

For the first time in more than 200 years, two broods of cicadas will emerge from the ground at the same time. Here's what you should know.

Kim Ward-Michigan State • futurity
yesterday ~6 min

Billions of cicadas are about to emerge from underground in a rare double-brood convergence

The last time that these two groups of cicadas emerged from underground together, Thomas Jefferson was president.

Chris Simon, Senior Research Scientist of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut • conversation
yesterday ~11 min

Survey reveals UK butterfly winners and losers in the wake of record high temperatures

Some butterflies are expanding their ranges as the climate changes, others are dwindling.

Marcus Rhodes, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter • conversation
April 3, 2024 ~6 min

This AI early warning system could limit Asian hornet invasions

New AI tech could identify Asian hornets and help scientists eradicate invading colonies.

Peter Kennedy, Research Fellow, Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter • conversation
April 3, 2024 ~5 min

Early spring brings a ‘hungry gap’ for bees – here’s how you can help

Check that something is blooming every week, March through October, to help bees.

Matthias Becher, Associate Research Fellow in Behavioural Ecology, University of Exeter • conversation
March 28, 2024 ~7 min

What is dirt? There’s a whole wriggling world alive in the ground beneath our feet, as a soil scientist explains

Rock dust is only part of the story of soil. Living creatures, many of them too tiny to see, keep that soil healthy for growing everything from food to forests.

Brian Darby, Associate Professor of Biology, University of North Dakota • conversation
March 25, 2024 ~7 min

Climate change is shifting the zones where plants grow – here’s what that could mean for your garden

The US Department of Agriculture has updated its plant hardiness zone map, which shows where various plants will grow across the country. Gardeners should take note.

Matt Kasson, Associate Professor of Mycology and Plant Pathology, West Virginia University • conversation
March 22, 2024 ~10 min

Female mosquitoes rely on one another to choose the best breeding sites − and with the arrival of spring, they’re already on the hunt

Female mosquitoes don’t want to lay their eggs alone, but they don’t want sites that are too crowded either. Understanding what guides their choice could inform new control strategies.

Matthew DeGennaro, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Florida International University • conversation
March 19, 2024 ~8 min

How insects can tell different sugars apart

The discovery of how insects can tell different sugars apart could one day help humans mimic that ability, researchers say.

Yale • futurity
March 7, 2024 ~7 min
