How pit latrine microbes could cut greenhouse gas

An investigation into pit latrine microbes could offer ways to improve public health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, say researchers.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Nov. 2, 2023 ~7 min

To improve nutrition, track fish from water to plate

A new method tracks and measures how fish make their way from the water to the plate within Malawi.

Liz Goodfellow-Futurity • futurity
Dec. 16, 2022 ~5 min

To better predict famine, look at ‘start of season’

New research links grain prices to the start of the agricultural season in eastern and southern Africa. The findings could help predict famine.

Harrison Tasoff-UC Santa Barbara • futurity
Oct. 25, 2021 ~9 min

Early humans used fire to permanently change the landscape tens of thousands of years ago in Stone Age Africa

Combining evidence from archaeology, geochronology and paleoenvironmental science, researchers identified how ancient humans by Lake Malawi were the first to substantially modify their environment.

Sarah Ivory, Assistant Professor of Geosciences, Penn State • conversation
May 5, 2021 ~11 min
