Team shoots light through the skull to control mouse brains

Researchers have developed a way to use infrared light to flip diferent brain circuits on and off in mouse brains. It can control mice from 3 feet away.

Stanford • futurity
April 13, 2022 ~10 min

From odor to action – how smells are processed in the brain and influence behavior

Understanding how the brain translates smells into behavior change can help advance search and rescue technology and treatments for neurological conditions.

Nathan Urban, Provost and Senior Vice President, Lehigh University • conversation
Jan. 25, 2022 ~11 min

Feast or forage? Study finds circuit that helps a brain decide

By integrating multiple sensory inputs, a loop of mutual inhibition among a small set of neurons allows worms to switch between long-lasting behavioral states.

David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory • mit
Dec. 6, 2021 ~7 min

Behind the scenes, brain circuit ensures vision remains reliable

A study of mice watching movies shows our brain cells rely on a circuit of inhibitory neurons to help ensure that the same images are represented consistently.

David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory • mit
Sept. 27, 2021 ~7 min

From CRISPR to glowing proteins to optogenetics – scientists' most powerful technologies have been borrowed from nature

Three pioneering technologies have forever altered how researchers do their work and promise to revolutionize medicine, from correcting genetic disorders to treating degenerative brain diseases.

Marc Zimmer, Professor of Chemistry, Connecticut College • conversation
Aug. 5, 2021 ~9 min

Tool that shoots light through the skull may reveal new treatments

A tiny wireless optogenetic device takes researchers one step closer to new treatments for chronic pain, depression, epilepsy, and more.

Emily Dieckman-Arizona • futurity
Aug. 3, 2021 ~5 min

As novel sights become familiar, different brain rhythms and neurons take over

As “visual recognition memory” emerges in the visual cortex, one circuit of inhibitory neurons supplants another, and slower neural oscillations prevail.

David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory • mit
June 24, 2021 ~6 min

Light therapy restores some sight for man who was blind

Optogenetic therapy has for the first time enabled a man who was completely blind to locate and identify objects while wearing specialized goggles.

Anastasia Gorelova-Pittsburgh • futurity
May 25, 2021 ~6 min

Colorful light reveals how worms get longer lives

A metabolite called colanic acid can extend the lifespan of worms as much as 50%. New research uses optogenetics to clarify that discovery.

Jade Boyd-Rice • futurity
Dec. 28, 2020 ~9 min

Scientists identify specific brain region and circuits controlling attention

Norepinephrine-producing neurons in the locus coeruleus produce attention focus, impulse control via two distinct connections to prefrontal cortex.

David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory • mit
Nov. 3, 2020 ~8 min
