Asexual relationships look a lot like the rest

New research finds that asexual romantic relationships require the same components as those that include sexual attraction.

Kaylie Crowe - Michigan State • futurity
Sept. 27, 2022 ~4 min

Neighbors can close gap when teens missed bonding with mom

Trusted relationships with neighbors can help teenagers who never bonded with their mothers develop important social skills, a new study shows.

Jared Wadley-Michigan • futurity
Aug. 31, 2022 ~5 min

Neighbors can close gap when teens missed bonding with mom

Trusted relationships with neighbors can help teenagers who never bonded with their mothers develop important social skills, a new study shows.

Jared Wadley-Michigan • futurity
Aug. 31, 2022 ~5 min

Hiding small stuff from your partner is a good thing

A new study finds that keeping some purchases from your significant other might actually get you to invest more in the relationship.

Duke U. Fuqua School of Business • futurity
Aug. 8, 2022 ~6 min

Losing spouse to COVID may be worse for mental health than other deaths

The death of a spouse can be devastating at any time, but a new study finds losing a spouse due to COVID-19 can be especially hard on mental health.

Katie Bohn-Penn State • futurity
July 27, 2022 ~6 min

Weight-loss surgery may double chance of marriage (or divorce)

US adults who get weight-loss surgery are more than twice as likely to get married or divorced within five years.

Allison Hydzik-Pittsburgh • futurity
July 22, 2022 ~6 min

Why does love feel magical? It's an evolutionary advantage

It’s not logical to believe your relationship is “meant to be.” But believing in destined love may have evolved as a way to keep couples together long enough to reproduce and raise children.

Oliver Sng, Assistant Professor of Psychological Science, University of California, Irvine • conversation
July 12, 2022 ~9 min

Couples can sway each other’s views on climate change

Couples may be an untapped resource in the effort to get people concerned about climate change, new findings show.

Yale • futurity
June 30, 2022 ~5 min

Couples with similar desirability are most likely to have good relationships

"...much of the anthropological work on human mating patterns are based on only people's preferences. This research focuses on people's actions."

Pate McCuien-U. Missouri • futurity
June 22, 2022 ~4 min

Your parenting style can indicate your politics

Whether you're a helicopter disciplinarian or a nurturing free-range explorer, your parenting style may predict your politics, a new study shows.

Stacy Kish-Carnegie Mellon • futurity
June 15, 2022 ~6 min
