The insect brain: we froze ants and beetles to learn how they remember their way home

Insects such as ants and beetles use ingenious processes in their brains to work out how far they’ve travelled and in what direction - we’ve now discovered how they remember their way home.

Ayse Yilmaz-Heusinger, Postdoctoral researcher in Functional Zoology, Lund University • conversation
Feb. 25, 2022 ~7 min

How do geese know how to fly south for the winter?

Geese honk loudly and point their bills toward the sky when they're ready to start the migration. Here's how they know it's time, how they navigate and how they conserve energy on the grueling trip.

Tom Langen, Professor of Biology, Clarkson University • conversation
Nov. 16, 2020 ~8 min
