More than two dozen cities and states are suing Big Oil over climate change – they just got a boost from the US Supreme Court

Honolulu, Baltimore, Charleston, S.C. and several other cities harmed by rising seas and extreme weather are suing the oil industry. At stake is who pays for the staggering costs of climate change.

John Dernbach, Professor of Law, Widener University • conversation
May 23, 2023 ~8 min

Challenging the FDA's authority isn't new – the agency's history shows what's at stake when drug regulation is in limbo

As the government’s oldest consumer protection agency, the FDA has long butted up against drugmakers, activists and politicians. But undermining its work could be harmful to patient health and safety.

Christine Coughlin, Professor of Law, Wake Forest University • conversation
April 26, 2023 ~9 min

A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data

Data collection is big business in the US, but a bipartisan data privacy bill rapidly moving through Congress promises to affect the information websites, social media platforms and all other businesses collect.

Anne Toomey McKenna, Visiting Professor of Law, University of Richmond • conversation
Aug. 23, 2022 ~9 min

What are dark patterns? An online media expert explains

Deceptively labeled buttons, choices that are hard to undo, web designs that hide options – these dark patterns are how some websites trick people into giving up their money and information.

Jasmine McNealy, Assistant Professor of Telecommunication, University of Florida • conversation
Aug. 3, 2021 ~4 min

Delinquent electric bills from the pandemic are coming due – who will pay them?

Many Americans have been unable to pay their electric bills during the COVID-19 pandemic, racking up billions of dollars in delinquent bills. Where will the money come from?

Theodore J. Kury, Director of Energy Studies, University of Florida • conversation
Nov. 6, 2020 ~9 min
