Power struggles in nature can be more subtle, nuanced and strategic than just dog-eat-dog

Life can be a struggle for power – not just for people but for nonhuman animals, too. An animal behaviorist explains how this quest can be more Shakespearean drama than boxing match.

Lee Alan Dugatkin, Professor of Biology and Distinguished Arts and Science Scholar, University of Louisville • conversation
Jan. 27, 2023 ~7 min

Keep calm and carry on – but how? A psychologist offers 10 tips to manage the uncertainty and stress of election aftermath

As uncertainty abounds and anxiety skyrockets, you've probably heard advice to be patient, stay calm and keep the faith. Here are 10 concrete tips to help you actually manage the stress.

Bethany Teachman, Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia • conversation
Nov. 6, 2020 ~8 min
