Deepfake detection improves when using algorithms that are more aware of demographic diversity

New research found a way to both improve the accuracy of deepfake detection algorithms while also enhancing fairness.

Yan Ju, Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo • conversation
April 16, 2024 ~3 min

How records of life's milestones help solve cold cases, pinpoint health risks and allocate public resources

Vital records document the birth, death, marriage and divorce of every individual. A more centralized system in the US could help public health researchers better study pandemics and disease.

Paula Fomby, Professor of Sociology and Research Associate in Population Studies, University of Pennsylvania • conversation
Feb. 15, 2023 ~10 min

The maximum human life span will likely increase this century, but not by more than a decade

Jeanne Calment of France died in 1997 at the age of 122 years and 164 days. That record will be broken this century, statistical models suggest.

Adrian Raftery, Boeing International Professor of Statistics and Sociology, University of Washington • conversation
Aug. 10, 2021 ~8 min

The dip in the US birthrate isn't a crisis, but the fall in immigration may be

Immigration has historically offset America's low fertility rate, but the recent dramatic drop in immigration threatens that trend.

Adrian Raftery, Boeing International Professor of Statistics and Sociology, University of Washington • conversation
June 21, 2021 ~7 min

How to use statistics to prepare for the next pandemic

Many governments, including the US, already collect and make public population statistics that could help them prepare for the next pandemic.

R. Alexander Bentley, Professor of Anthropology, University of Tennessee • conversation
May 18, 2021 ~6 min

Video: How will society change as the US population ages?

Americans 65 and older are living longer. The change toward longer old age in the U.S. will have profound effects on health care needs, families and what it means to be old.

Marcia G. Ory, Regents and Distinguished Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health, Texas A&M University • conversation
Sept. 25, 2020 ~6 min

How a new way of parsing COVID-19 data began to show the breadth of health gaps between Blacks and whites

Getting the real answers on health gaps requires a deep dive into the demographics.

David R. Buys, State Health Specialist and Associate Professor, Mississippi State University • conversation
Sept. 16, 2020 ~6 min
