Power outages leave poor communities in the dark longer: Evidence from 15M outages raises questions about recovery times

Researchers tracked power outages after 8 major storms to see how wealth corresponded to recovery time.

Scott C. Ganz, Associate Teaching Professor of Business and Economics, Georgetown University • conversation
Feb. 7, 2024 ~6 min

Trouble paying bills can take a heavy toll on fathers' mental health, leading to family conflict

In families that are facing economic insecurity, fathers are more likely to experience depressive symptoms that can lead to conflict.

Joyce Y. Lee, Assistant Professor of Social Work, The Ohio State University • conversation
June 15, 2022 ~5 min

Even after lockdowns eased, pandemic depression persisted across social classes – new study

Adults in the US reported the same levels of depression a year into the pandemic as they did at the outset.

Sandro Galea, Professor of Family Medicine, Boston University • conversation
March 25, 2022 ~5 min

The better you are at math, the more money seems to influence your satisfaction

Compared to people who aren’t as good at math, people who are better at math are more happy when they have high incomes and less happy when they have lower incomes.

Pär Bjälkebring, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Gothenburg • conversation
Jan. 20, 2022 ~7 min

Nearly two-thirds of older Black Americans can't afford to live alone without help – and it's even tougher for Latinos

Elder economic insecurity is a problem for all races, but it's far more common for people of color, particularly in certain states.

Jan Mutchler, Professor, Department of Gerontology, McCormack Graduate School Director, Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging, Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston • conversation
Nov. 17, 2020 ~8 min
