Leaded petrol is gone – but lead pollution may linger for a very long time

The world recently celebrated the end of leaded petrol, as sales ceased in Algeria.

Paul Monks, Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Earth Observation Science, University of Leicester • conversation
Sept. 3, 2021 ~4 min

Lead exposure during childhood may influence adult personality, and not for the better

Early exposure to lead pollution may lead to less mature personality traits as an adult.

Ted Schwaba, Postdoctoral Researcher in Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts • conversation
July 29, 2021 ~5 min

Consumer electronics have changed a lot in 20 years – systems for managing e-waste aren't keeping up

Technical advances are reducing the volume of e-waste generated in the US as lighter, more compact products enter the market. But those goods can be harder to reuse and recycle.

Shahana Althaf, Postdoctoral associate, Yale University • conversation
Jan. 11, 2021 ~9 min
