Reintroducing top predators to the wild is risky but necessary – here's how we can ensure they survive

New research studies the factors that determine whether large carnivore reintroductions will be a success.

Seth Thomas, Research assistant, University of Oxford • conversation
Feb. 17, 2023 ~7 min

Trophy hunting: why a UK import ban threatens wildlife conservation

Bans on importing hunting trophies risk harming, not helping, endangered species.

Amy Dickman, Professor of Wildlife Conservation, University of Oxford • conversation
Aug. 10, 2022 ~11 min

Trophy hunting will not save Africa's lions – so the UK ban on imports is a positive step for wildlife conservation

An Africa-based conservation expert explains why trophy hunting has not delivered for wildlife in most parts of Africa, and that local communities benefit next to nothing from its continued practice

Hans Bauer, Research fellow: Northern Lion Conservation, University of Oxford • conversation
June 29, 2022 ~28 min

African wild dogs cope with human development using skills they rely on to compete with other carnivores

African wild dogs are used to evading hyenas and lions. Genetic research suggests they are using the same strengths to get around human development as well.

Scott Creel, Professor of Conservation Biology & Ecology, Montana State University • conversation
Feb. 16, 2022 ~9 min

Hydroelectric dams take toll on endangered big cats, study shows

One in 200 jaguars are likely to be affected by dams, versus one in five tigers.

Tara Pirie, Postdoctoral Researcher, People and Wildlife Research Group, University of Reading • conversation
Dec. 16, 2021 ~6 min

Artificial insemination in captive lions is bad news for conservation

Presenting accounts of technological success in captive lion breeding against the backdrop of rapidly diminishing wildlife loss lets humans off the hook too easily.

Jackie Abell, Reader/Associate Professor in Psychology, Coventry University • conversation
Feb. 26, 2021 ~6 min

Not so fast: why India’s plan to reintroduce cheetahs may run into problems

India's last cheetah was killed 70 years ago. Should the country import a different subspecies from Namibia?

Simon Evans, Principal Lecturer in Ecotourism, Anglia Ruskin University • conversation
Dec. 18, 2020 ~6 min
