Ants – with their wise farming practices and efficient navigation techniques – could inspire solutions for some human problems

Over hundreds of million years of evolution, ants have come up with some pretty smart solutions to problems of agriculture, navigation and architecture. People could learn a thing or two.

Scott Solomon, Associate Teaching Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University • conversation
Nov. 15, 2022 ~9 min

Vampire finches: how little birds in the Galápagos evolved to drink blood

Finches have evolved to feed off blood from red-footed and Nazca boobies – and we've seen it first-hand.

Jaime Chaves, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolution, San Francisco State University • conversation
Jan. 15, 2021 ~7 min

Vampire finches: how little birds in the Galápagos got a taste for big bird blood

Finches have evolved to feed off blood from red-footed and Nazca boobies – and we've seen it first-hand.

Jaime Chaves, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolution, San Francisco State University • conversation
Jan. 15, 2021 ~7 min
