Competition drives the gender pay gap? Maybe not

New research investigates the theory that women aren't as competitive as men, and that this contributes to the gender wage gap.

Kyle Mittan-U. Arizona • futurity
Nov. 3, 2021 ~8 min

As college esports grow, women are left out

With colleges expanding competitive gaming, also known as esports, a new study looks at how women are being left out of the top tier.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Sept. 14, 2020 ~4 min

Zebra and other grazers share more when lions are near

Grazers like zebra and wildebeest in the African Serengeti are more likely to share space and food with each other if lions hang out nearby.

Jade Boyd-Rice • futurity
Aug. 18, 2020 ~7 min

Bacteria used CRISPR way before humans did

"We humans have only recently begun to exploit nature's CRISPR-Cas systems, but as it turns out, we are not the first."

Maria Hornbek-Copenhagen • futurity
March 25, 2020 ~4 min

Competition and predators may not make species adapt, after all

Competition between species and predation aren't the drivers behind adaptation that scientists might've thought, new research indicates.

McGill University • futurity
Feb. 25, 2020 ~2 min

Are big tech monopolies ruining American capitalism?

Listen to this podcast to hear an economist explain how big tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon are threatening capitalism.

U. Chicago • futurity
Jan. 15, 2020 ~2 min

Trash talk from a robot dings human performance

Even mild trash talk from a robot is enough to throw people off their game, research finds. It's a test of how people react when robots aren't cooperative.

Byron Spice-Carnegie Mellon • futurity
Nov. 19, 2019 ~4 min

What makes older people stick with fitness trackers?

Activity trackers can be a great motivator for older folks moving, but connection, rather than competition, is key for them to stick with it.

Kristen Parker-Michigan State • futurity
Nov. 19, 2019 ~3 min

New ecology theory describes ‘frenemy’ networks

"There's mounting evidence that different species pay attention to each other in the wild, especially if they share predators."

Andy Fell-UC Davis • futurity
Nov. 6, 2019 ~3 min

Buzz about opponents throws us off our game

Lots of hype about your opponent, and their "status momentum," can affect how well you compete, research finds. Here's how to approach the mental game.

Samiha Khanna-Duke • futurity
Oct. 29, 2019 ~4 min
