Art reveals hidden slavery during reign of Louis XIV

A 16th-century French legal tenet said "there are no slaves in France," but art from the reign of Louis XIV tells a different story.

James Devitt-NYU • futurity
Jan. 5, 2022 ~10 min

Normandy sand holds relics of D-Day

Sand from a 1988 visit to Omaha Beach—site of the ferocious D-Day invasion—reveals that traces of the battle remain there long after June 6, 1944.

Marc Airhart-Texas • futurity
June 6, 2019 ~5 min

Lonely teens don’t all reach for social media

Facebook isn't always the go-to coping strategy of lonely teens, research in France shows.

Angie Hunt-Iowa State • futurity
June 6, 2019 ~3 min

How Notre Dame’s survival adds to its legacy

After the fire that almost claimed Notre Dame, how will the efforts to rebuild affect the landmark's symbolic and religious significance?

Rebecca Beyer-NYU • futurity
April 22, 2019 ~2 min
