Tropical clawed frogs invade Florida’s Tampa area

Once mistaken for a different species, reasearchers have confirmed that a frog found in a Florida backyard is actually the invasive Tropical clawed frog.

Brad Buck-Florida • futurity
April 9, 2021 ~6 min

Watch a glass frog get funky when mating croaks are too quiet

Glass frogs that live near loud streams will add a friendly wave or "dance" to their love calls to attract mates.

Kara Manke-UC Berkeley • futurity
Jan. 21, 2021 ~6 min

Do big tadpoles become big frogs?

"We wanted to know, do large frogs have large tadpoles and small frogs small tadpoles, or are the sizes between the two decoupled?'"

Daniel Stolte-Arizona • futurity
Sept. 11, 2020 ~9 min

Why frogs are green to the bone

Why are frogs green? Their color comes from a clever biochemical workaround that combines an odd protein choice and a potential poison in the blood.

Karl Bates-Duke • futurity
July 14, 2020 ~6 min

Treefrogs fool predators with mating call choirs

Male treefrogs throw off predators teaming up with others to sing out their mating calls in quick succession, researchers say.

Abbey Nickel-Purdue • futurity
May 6, 2020 ~5 min

Coquí frog has hung around Caribbean for 29M years

The discovery of a 29 million-year-old fossil heralds the coquí frog, the national symbol of Puerto Rico, as the oldest frog in the Caribbean.

Natalie van Hoose-Florida • futurity
April 8, 2020 ~5 min

Some blobby frog heads hide amazing spiny skulls

Beneath their slick skin, some frog skulls sport spines, spikes, and other skeletal secrets called hyperossification.

Natalie van Hoose-Florida • futurity
March 26, 2020 ~7 min

Little Devil frogs feed their babies poison eggs for good reason

Two species of poison frogs from distant parts of the world both feed their young unfertilized, toxin-laced eggs. New research uncovers why.

Ker Than-Stanford • futurity
Nov. 22, 2019 ~6 min

This frog’s mating call attracts predators, too

The mating calls túngara frogs make have an unfortunate side effect: attracting one of their main predators.

Kayla Zacharias-Purdue • futurity
Nov. 11, 2019 ~6 min

Scrambled frog eggs reform into cell-like structures

"If you blend a computer, you'd end up with tiny bits of computer.... But, lo and behold, the cytoplasm reorganizes."

Stanford • futurity
Nov. 11, 2019 ~5 min
