Too much rain, not high temps, threaten giraffes survival

Increasingly heavy rain is threatening the survival of giraffes in East African savannahs, researchers report.

Rita Ziegler-Zurich • futurity
June 12, 2023 ~6 min

Pee is a big part of giraffe sex lives

Giraffes have no set breeding season, don't go into heat, and don't make mating calls. New research digs into their unique sex lives.

Kat Kerlin-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 13, 2023 ~6 min

Pee is a big part of giraffe sex lives

Giraffes have no set breeding season, don't go into heat, and don't make mating calls. New research digs into their unique sex lives.

Kat Kerlin-UC Davis • futurity
Feb. 13, 2023 ~6 min

Male giraffes have more social connections than females

Female giraffes may have closer friends, but males have more social connections, perhaps due to their wide roaming in search of females to mate with.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Sept. 27, 2021 ~7 min

Female giraffes with more friends live longer

Gregarious female giraffes that develop a sense of larger community live longer than those with fewer friends, a new study shows.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
Feb. 25, 2021 ~5 min

Nearby humans disturb giraffe social networks

Living near human settlements disrupts giraffe social networks, according to new research.

Gail McCormick-Penn State • futurity
June 10, 2020 ~7 min
