Why red wine can give you a headache

Red wine may pair nicely with your upcoming Thanksgiving meal. But for some people, red wine can bring on a nasty headache.

Amy Quinton-UC Davis • futurity
Nov. 20, 2023 ~6 min

Common brain disorder more likely in kids with big heads

A common brain disorder, Chiari 1 malformation, is four times more likely among children with large heads, research finds.

Tamara Bhandari-Washington University • futurity
Dec. 30, 2020 ~8 min

Green light cuts monthly migraine days by 60%

Green light therapy resulted in about a 60% reduction in the pain intensity of the headache phase and number of days per month people experienced migraines.

Stacy Pigott-Arizona • futurity
Sept. 17, 2020 ~7 min

Headache and back pain often go hand in hand

People with persistent back pain or headaches are twice as likely to suffer from both disorders. The discovery could lead to a shared way to manage the two.

Peter Thorley-Warwick • futurity
Sept. 19, 2019 ~4 min
