New vaccine could fight antibiotic resistance

A new vaccine could help fight off "superbugs" that have become resistant to antibiotics, researchers report.

Emilie Lorditch-Michigan State • futurity
today ~9 min

Coating keeps killing viruses and bacteria for months

A coating derived from tea tree and cinnamon oils quickly kills bacteria and viruses like SARS-CoV-2, E. coli, and MRSA and keeps killing them for months.

Gabe Cherry-Michigan • futurity
Aug. 26, 2022 ~7 min

Chestnut leaf molecule disarms staph bacteria

A molecule extracted from European chestnut tree leaves can neutralize dangerous, drug-resistant staph bacteria, research shows.

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
July 6, 2021 ~8 min

Beautyberry compound aids antibiotic against MRSA

A compound from the American beautyberry boosts an antibiotic's activity against MRSA, research indicates.

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
July 20, 2020 ~6 min

Natural antibiotic resists ‘superbugs’

A newly discovered natural antibiotic called teixobactin may be a perfect weapon to fight drug-resistant superbugs like MRSA.

Cheryl Critchley-Melbourne • futurity
June 3, 2020 ~4 min

Blue light could be the ‘next frontier’ in superbug fight

A new, blue light-based weapon called photolysis, may be key in the fight against antibiotic-resistant pathogens like MRSA.

Boston University • futurity
May 26, 2020 ~7 min

Simple method protects more NICU babies from Staph germs

Using antibiotic cream and antiseptic wipes can cut the chance that parents will pass dangerous Staph bacteria to their baby in the NICU.

Johns Hopkins University • futurity
Dec. 31, 2019 ~6 min

2 new vaccine strategies may outsmart staph bacteria

Vaccinating pregnant women or newborn babies against staph bacteria may be an effective way to fight dangerous infections, research with mice finds.

Kristina Sauerwein-Washington University • futurity
Dec. 26, 2019 ~5 min

Best defense against MRSA at home: Wash your hands

Drug-resistant MRSA easily spreads at home but the best protection is pretty simple: Wash your hands.

Kristina Sauerwein-Washington University • futurity
Dec. 2, 2019 ~7 min

Some people have better genetic protection from MRSA

One gene mutation seems to make it much more likely that people will fight off MRSA infections, which could lead to new treatments.

Sarah Avery-Duke • futurity
Sept. 17, 2019 ~3 min
