How a newborn’s cry triggers the flow of breast milk

A baby's cry triggers the release of oxytocin, a brain chemical that controls breast milk release in mothers, a new study with mice shows.

Shira Polan-NYU • futurity
Sept. 21, 2023 ~6 min

Without oxytocin receptors, voles are just as lovey-dovey

The standard understanding of oxytocin, colloquially known as the "love hormone," may be all wrong, prairie vole research indicates.

Bruce Goldman-Stanford • futurity
Feb. 6, 2023 ~7 min

Mouse moms teach future pup caretakers how to parent

With help from oxytocin, mice mothers are awesome teachers. The findings offer evidence for the benefits of parenting classes for humans, researchers say.

Modesta Alobawone • futurity
Aug. 16, 2021 ~4 min

Should hormones get universal names across species?

Scientists advocate for cleaning up troublesome jargon by applying new standard nomenclature for the hormones known as oxytocin and vasopressin in humans.

Katherine Fenz-Rockefeller • futurity
April 29, 2021 ~8 min

3D ‘map’ of oxytocin receptor could bring new drugs

Researchers have determined the 3D structure of the receptor that the hormone oxytocin binds to. The findings could aid drug development.

U. Zurich • futurity
Aug. 3, 2020 ~5 min

5 things to know about the science of dad

Happy Father's Day! Here are five unexpected research findings about dads.

Carol Clark-Emory • futurity
June 12, 2019 ~7 min

Hormone duo may protect some women against PTSD

New research could clarify why not all women with traumatic childhoods develop PTSD.

Austin Fitzgerald-Missouri • futurity
April 23, 2019 ~4 min

Ecstasy may reopen brain’s ‘critical period’ to treat PTSD

Ecstasy has successfully treated some people with PTSD. A new study suggests reopening the "critical period" in the brain may be why.

Vanessa Wasta-Johns Hopkins • futurity
April 4, 2019 ~6 min

Newlywed brains suggest altruism is hard-wired

"...altruism is deeply rooted in our evolutionary, neural, and genetic framework."

Harrison Tasoff-UC Santa Barbara • futurity
Feb. 14, 2019 ~6 min
