Aussie wildfires fed giant algae blooms thousands of miles away

Iron in smoke and ash from wildfires can "fertilize" the oceans, providing nutrients for algae blooms that then may suck up carbon, research indicates.

Tim Lucas-Duke • futurity
Sept. 21, 2021 ~6 min

‘Pickling’ locks carbon in oxygen-free ocean depths

Collecting sticky stuff from areas of the ocean that have no oxygen shed light on how these zones trap carbon in sediment and rocks.

Sonia Fernandez-UCSB • futurity
Dec. 18, 2020 ~8 min

Gas from bacteria affects how clouds form

The interaction between bacteria and algae in the world's oceans may play a role in cloud formation, new research indicates.

Peter Rüegg-ETH Zurich • futurity
May 5, 2020 ~6 min

Hydrothermal vents fuel ‘blooms’ in surprising places

"Iron from hydrothermal vents can well up, travel across hundreds of miles of open ocean, and allow phytoplankton to thrive in some very unexpected places."

Josie Garthwaite-Stanford • futurity
June 12, 2019 ~6 min

Mapping global phytoplankton yields a surprise

Researchers have charted the distribution of phytoplankton in the world's oceans for the first time.

Peter Rüegg-ETH Zurich • futurity
May 23, 2019 ~6 min
