Plant cell transfer could lead to higher crop productivity

New findings could lead to better ways of producing hybrid seeds to maximize crop productivity, researchers report.

Mick Kulikowski-NC State • futurity
Sept. 18, 2023 ~5 min

Bumble bees heat up when they carry pollen

Carrying pollen gives bumble bees a workout, significantly increasing their body temperature, a new study shows.

Michelle Jewel-NC State • futurity
May 17, 2023 ~5 min

Blame climate change for your runny nose?

New research digs into how climate change will affect pollen distribution in the United States in the near future.

Patti Zielinski - Rutgers • futurity
Dec. 6, 2022 ~5 min

Blame climate change for your runny nose?

New research digs into how climate change will affect pollen distribution in the United States in the near future.

Patti Zielinski - Rutgers • futurity
Dec. 6, 2022 ~5 min

Climate change stands to worsen seasonal allergies

Climate change may make allergies a lot worse, say researchers. Plants could end up emitting up to 200% more pollen each year.

Jim Lynch-Michigan • futurity
March 21, 2022 ~4 min

Honey bees turn pollen to pellets to get it to their hives

Understanding how honey bees transport pollen pellets to their hive may inspire new ways to manufacture and manipulate soft materials, researchers say.

Jason Maderer-Georgia Tech • futurity
Aug. 27, 2021 ~6 min

Is climate change making allergy season longer?

"Climate change is really a problem for health, and we are living and breathing the effects of climate change now," researchers warn.

Erin Digitale-Stanford • futurity
July 6, 2021 ~6 min

Not all grasses pack the same allergenic punch

Particular grass species may have greater effects on allergies and asthma than others, researchers find. The work could make pollen forecasts better.

U. Queensland • futurity
March 25, 2021 ~4 min

Gene makes plants produce less pollen

Darwin observed that some plants produce less pollen (and some animals less sperm). New research clarifies how that can be an advantage.

U. Zurich • futurity
June 10, 2020 ~6 min

When pollen’s scarce, bees stab plants to speed up flowering

When pollen resources are low, bumblebees damage plants to help drive more flowering so they can get more, researchers have found.

Peter Rüegg-ETH Zurich • futurity
May 22, 2020 ~8 min
