
Telephone numbers in Equatorial Guinea

Telephone numbers in Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea telephone calling codes

Country Code: +240
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix:

Calling formats

To call in Equatorial Guinea, the following format is used:

  • xx xxx xxxx - calls within Equatorial Guinea
  • +240 yy xxx xxxx - calls from outside Equatorial Guinea

The NSN length is nine digits.

Area codes

The structure of the numbering system of the public switched telephone network is geographic, with number portability, as follows:[1]


DN (Network code) = NJ

NDC (Numbering area) = XPQ

SN (Subscriber number) = MCDU

For landlines, 3J XPQ MCDU where J cannot be 0.

'M', 'C', 'D', and 'U' stand for thousands, hundreds, tens, and units, respectively.

More information LIST OF FIXED ALLOCATIONS, Service (landline = 3) ...

Numbers beginning 4 are reserved for future fixed services.

Mobile numbers

The structure of the numbering system of the cellular mobile telephone network is non-geographic, as follows:[3]


DN (Network code) = NDC = NJ

SN (Subscriber number) = XPQMCDU

Numbers beginning 2 or 5 are in use for mobile telephones.

Numbers beginning 6 and 7 are reserved for future mobile services.

Value added services

For value-added services such as freephone numbers, shared cost numbers and personal numbers, numbers will comprise nine digits, with the following format:

80X PQMCDU, (P ≠ 0)

For valued-added services such as premium rate services for businesses, premium rate services that are leisure-related, and Internet access, numbers will comprise nine digits, with the following format:

90X PQMCDU (P ≠ 0)

Numbers for intelligent network services are non-geographic.

Allocations by operator


  • Fixed service, 3J XPQMCDU
More information LIST OF FIXED ALLOCATIONS, Operator ...


  • Mobile service, 2J XPQMCDU and 5J XPQMCDU
More information LIST OF MOBILE ALLOCATIONS, Operator ...

Previous fixed codes

More information LIST OF FIXED AREA CODES IN 2009, Area/City ...


  1. "Equatorial Guinea".

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