
1999 European Parliament election in the Netherlands

1999 European Parliament election in the Netherlands

An election of Members of the European Parliament representing Netherlands constituency for the 1999–2004 term of the European Parliament was held on 10 June 1999. It was part of the wider 1999 European election. Eleven parties competed in a D'Hondt type election for 31 seats.

Quick Facts 31 seats to the European Parliament, Turnout ...
More information Elections, candidates and members of the European Parliament for the Netherlands ...


Combined lists

Several parties combined in one list to take part in this European Election and increase their chance on a seat in the European Parliament. These combined lists are:

  1. SGP, RPF and GPV

Electoral alliances

No lists formed an electoral alliance.

Numbering of the candidates list

The official order and names of candidate lists:

More information Lists, List ...


Voter turnout was a record low for a national election of just 30.02%. In the election the GreenLeft performed particularly well quadrupling their seats from one to four. The Socialist Party won its first seat. These gains were made at the cost of the Christian Democratic Appeal, Democrats 66 and the PvdA, which lost one, two and two seats respectively.

More information Party, Votes ...

European groups

The EPP-ED group becomes the biggest group this election despite losing seat. This because the ELDR group in the Netherlands lost 2 seats from the Democrats 66. The EG-EFA group makes a big gain in seat, thanks to the win of GreenLeft. The Socialist Party won EUL-NGL its first seat in the Netherlands.

More information Seats 1994, Seats 1999 ...

Elected members


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