
City directory

City directory

Listing of locations in a city

A city directory is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations or institutions, giving their location in a city. It may be arranged alphabetically or geographically or in other ways.

1910 directory page for North Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois


Antedating telephone directories, they were in use for centuries.[1] Many older directories have been digitized and are available on the open web and through subscription databases.[2]

Examples include Kelly's Directory, R.L. Polk & Company, the Boston Directory, and the New York City Directory. Henderson's Directories were available for several cities in Canada.


  1. "City Directories". Retrieved 2017-05-22.
  2. Moazeni, Sarah. "Research Guides: New York City: City Directories". Retrieved 2017-05-22.

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