
Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family tree

Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family tree

Family tree of ancient Egyptian rulers

As with most ancient Egyptian royal dynasties, the family tree for the Eighteenth Dynasty is complex and unclear.

Senakhtenre Ahmose[1]Tetisheri
Seqenenre TaoAhhotep I
Ahhotep II Kamose
Seventeenth dynasty
Ahmose-Sitkamose Ahmose IAhmose-Nefertari
Ahmose-ankhAhmose-Meritamon Amenhotep ISensenebAhmose Sapair
Ahmose Thutmose IMutnofret
Hatshepsut Thutmose IIIset
Hatshepsut-Meryetre Thutmose III
Tiaa Amenhotep II
Mutemwiya Thutmose IVYuyaTjuyu
Amenhotep IIITiyeAnen
Kheperkheprure AyTey
"The Younger Lady" AkhenatenNefertiti
( Neferneferuaten?)
Mutbenret (Mutnedjmet?) HoremhebAmenia
Smenkhkare TutankhamunMeketatenNeferneferuaten TasheritNeferneferureSetepenre
Meritaten TasheritAnkhesenpaaten Tasherit317a and 317b mummies


  1. "Sénakht-en-Rê, la " redécouverte " d'un pharaon". CFEETK – Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak.

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