
Japanese phonology

Japanese phonology

Phonological system of the Japanese language

The phonology of Japanese features a phonemic inventory of five vowels (/a, e, i, o, u/) and 15 or more consonants (depending on how certain sounds are analyzed). The phonotactics are relatively simple, allowing for few consonant clusters. Japanese phonology has been affected by the presence of several layers of vocabulary in the language: in addition to native Japanese vocabulary, Japanese has a large amount of Chinese-based vocabulary and loanwords from other languages.[1]

Standard Japanese is a pitch-accent language, wherein the position or absence of a pitch drop may determine the meaning of a word: /haꜜsiɡa/ (箸が, 'chopsticks'), /hasiꜜɡa/ (橋が, 'bridge'), /hasiɡa/ (端が, 'edge').

Unless otherwise noted, the following describes the standard variety of Japanese based on the Tokyo dialect.

Lexical strata

Discussions of Japanese phonology often refer to different 'strata' or layers of vocabulary, as many statements about phonemes and phonotactics are only valid as generalizations over a subset of vocabulary items. For example, the consonant [p] is generally absent in word-initial position in Yamato and Sino-Japanese words, but occurs freely in this position in Mimetic and Foreign words.


Called wago (和語) or yamato kotoba (大和言葉) in Japanese, this category comprises inherited native vocabulary. Morphemes in this category show a number of restrictions on structure that may be violated by vocabulary in other layers.


Japanese possesses a variety of mimetic words that make use of sound symbolism to serve an expressive function. Like Yamato vocabulary, these words are also of native orgin, and can be considered to belong to the same overarching group. However, words of this type show some phonological peculiarities that cause some theorists to regard them as a separate layer of Japanese vocabulary.[2]


Called kango (漢語) in Japanese, words in this stratum originate from several waves of large-scale borrowing from Chinese that occured from the 6th-14th centuries AD. They comprise 60% of dictionary entries and 20% of ordinary spoken Japanese, ranging from formal vocabulary to everyday words.[3]


Called gairaigo (外来語) in Japanese, this is the newest layer of vocabulary, consisting of recent loanwords, many from English. In words of this stratum, a number of consonant-vowel sequences that did not previously exist in Japanese are tolerated.[4] This has led to the introduction of new spelling conventions and complicates the phonemic analysis of these consonant sounds in Japanese: some consonants that were once allophones may now be analyzed as having attained phonemic status.


More information Bilabial, Alveolar ...

Consonants inside parentheses can be analyzed as allophones of other phonemes, at least in native words. In loanwords, /ɸ, ɕ, ʑ, t͡s, d͡z, t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ/ sometimes occur phonemically.[5]

Phonetic notes

  • Voiceless stops /p, t, k/ are slightly aspirated—less so than English stops, but more than those in Spanish.[6]
  • Non-coronal voiced stops /b, ɡ/ between vowels may be weakened to fricatives, especially in fast or casual speech:
/b/ > bilabial fricative [β] /abareru/ > [aβaɾeɾɯ] 暴れる, abareru, 'to behave violently'
/ɡ/ > velar fricative [ɣ] /haɡe/ > [haɣe] はげ, hage, 'baldness'
However, /ɡ/ is further complicated by its variant realization as [ŋ].
  • /t, d, n/ are laminal denti-alveolar (that is, the blade of the tongue contacts the back of the upper teeth and the front part of the alveolar ridge) and /s, z/ are laminal alveolar.
  • The distinction between [z ʑ] and [d͡z, d͡ʑ] (voiced sibilant fricatives and affricates) is neutralized in most dialects, including Standard Japanese. See Yotsugana. A 2010 corpus study found that in neutralizing varieties, both variants were found in all positions, and that the time it takes to produce the consonant or consonant cluster (to which /N/, /Q/, and pauses contribute) was the most reliable predictor for affricate realization.[7]
    • In non-merging dialects, the affricates [d͡z] [d͡ʑ] can be analyzed as conditioned allophones of /d/ (pronounced [d͡z] before /u/, [d͡ʑ] before /i/ or /j/, and [d] elsewhere) whereas the fricatives [z], [ʑ] can be analyzed as allophones of /z/ (pronounced [ʑ] before /i/ or /j/, and [z] elsewhere). In neutralizing dialects, the phoneme resulting from the merger is often assumed to be /z/, though some analyze it as /d͡z/, the voiced counterpart to [t͡s].
    • Some dialects (e.g. Tosa[8]) retain the distinctions between /zi/ and /di/ and between /zu/ and /du/, while others retain only /zu/ and /du/ but not /zi/ and /di/, or merge all four (e.g. north Tōhoku).[8]
    • As a result of the neutralization, the historical spelling distinction between these sounds has been eliminated from the modern written standard except in cases where a mora is repeated once voiceless and once voiced, or where rendaku occurs in a compound word: く[続く] /tuduku/, いちける[位置付ける] /itidukeru/ from |iti+tukeru|.
  • /w/ is traditionally described as a velar [ɰ] or labialized velar approximant [w] or something between the two, or as the semivocalic equivalent of /u/ with little to no rounding, while a 2020 real-time MRI study found it is better described as a bilabial approximant [β̞].[9]
  • /h/ is [ç] before /i/ and /j/ (listen), and [ɸ] before /u/ (listen),[10] coarticulated with the labial compression of that vowel.
  • Realization of the liquid phoneme /r/ varies greatly depending on environment and dialect. The prototypical and most common pronunciation is an apical tap, either alveolar [ɾ] or postalveolar [ɾ̠].[11][12][10] Utterance-initially and after /N/, the tap is typically articulated in such a way that the tip of the tongue is at first momentarily in light contact with the alveolar ridge before being released rapidly by airflow.[13][12] This sound is described variably as a tap, a "variant of [ɾ]", "a kind of weak plosive",[13] and "an affricate with short friction, [d̠ɹ̝̆]".[10] The apical alveolar or postalveolar lateral approximant [l] is a common variant in all conditions,[10] particularly utterance-initially[13] and before /i, j/.[11] According to Akamatsu (1997), utterance-initially and intervocalically (that is, except after /N/), the lateral variant is better described as a tap [ɺ] rather than an approximant.[13][14] The retroflex lateral approximant [ɭ] is also found before /i, j/.[11] In Tokyo's Shitamachi dialect, the alveolar trill [r] is a variant marked with vulgarity.[11] Other reported variants include the alveolar approximant [ɹ],[10] the alveolar stop [d], the retroflex flap [ɽ], the lateral fricative [ɮ],[11] and the retroflex stop [ɖ].[15]
  • /N/ is a syllable-final moraic nasal with variable pronunciation: depending on what follows, it undergoes a variety of assimilatory processes. These assimilations occur beyond word boundaries.[16] It is variously:[17]
    • bilabial [m] before /p, b, m/.
    • laminal [n] before coronals [d, t, t͡s, n]; never found utterance-finally. Apical [] is found before liquid /r/.[18]
    • alveolo-palatal [ɲ̟] before alveolo-palatals [t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ, ɲ].[19]
    • velar [ŋ] before /k, ɡ/. Before palatalized consonants, it is also palatalized, as in [ɡẽŋʲkʲi].[19]
    • some sort of nasalized vowel before vowels, approximants /j, w/, liquid /r/, and fricatives [ɸ, s, ɕ, ç, h]. Depending on context and speaker, the vowel's quality may closely match that of the preceding vowel or be more constricted in articulation. It is thus broadly transcribed with [ɰ̃], an ad hoc semivocalic notation undefined for the exact place of articulation.[18] It is also found utterance-finally.[10] When utterance-final, the moraic nasal is traditionally described as uvular [ɴ], sometimes with qualification that the occlusion may not always be complete[19] or that it is, or approaches, velar [ŋ] after front vowels.[20] However, instrumental studies in the 2010s showed that there is considerable variability in the realization of utterance-final /N/ and that it often involves a lip closure or constriction.[21][22][23][24] A 2023 real-time MRI study found that the tongue position of utterance-final /N/ largely corresponds to that of the preceding vowel, though with overlapping locations, leading the researcher to conclude that /N/ has no specified place of articulation rather than a clear allophonic rule.[25] 5% of the samples of utterance-final /N/ were realized as nasalized vowels with no closure, where appreciable tongue raising was observed only when following /a/.[26]
  • /Q/ is a syllable-final moraic obstruent consonant pronounced as gemination of the following consonant.

Debated or marginal consonant phonemes

Palatalized consonants

Most consonants possesses phonetically palatalized counterparts. Pairs of palatalized and non-palatalized consonants contrast before the back vowels /a o u/, but are in complementary distribution before the front vowels: only the palatalized version occurs before /i/, and only the non-palatalized version occurs before /e/. Palatalized consonants are normally analyzed as allophones conditioned by the presence of a following /i/ or /j/. When this analysis is adopted, the surface contrast between non-palatalized and palatalized consonants before back vowels is interpreted as a contrast between plain consonants and biphonemic /Cj/ sequences.

/mi/ > [mʲi] /umi/ > [ɯmʲi] , umi, 'sea'
/mj/ > [mʲ] /mjaku/ > [mʲaku][10] , myaku, 'pulse'

Some phonologists have suggested that palatalized consonants could instead be analyzed as distinct consonants of their own (/Cʲ/).[27] However, Nogita 2006 argues for the cluster analysis /Cj/, noting that in Japanese, syllables such as [bja, gja, mja, nja, ɾja] show a longer average duration than their non-palatalized counterparts [ba, ga, ma, na, ɾa][28] (whereas comparable duration differences were not generally found between pairs of palatalized and unpalatalized consonants in Russian).[29]

The phonemic analysis described above can be applied straightforwardly to the palatalized counterparts of /p b k g m n r/, as in the following examples:

/ɡ/ > [ɡʲ] /ɡjoːza/ > [ɡʲoːza] ぎょうざ, gyōza, 'fried dumpling'
/r/ > [ɾʲ] /kiri/ > [kʲiɾʲi] , kiri, 'fog'

The palatal counterpart of /n/ is pronounced as prepalatal [ɲ̟]:[10]

/n/ > [ɲ̟] /nihoN/ > [ɲ̟ihoɴ] 日本, Nihon, 'Japan'

The glides /j w/ cannot precede /j/.[30] The alveolar-palatal sibilants [t͡ɕ ɕ (d)ʑ] can be analyzed as the palatalized allophones of /t s z/, but it is debated whether this phonemic interpretation remains accurate in light of contrasts found in loanword phonology. For example, [t͡ɕi] [t͡ɕu] would according to the traditional view be transcribed as /ti/ /tju/, but some analysts would instead transcribe them as /t͡si/ /t͡sju/ or /t͡ɕi/ /t͡ɕu/.

The palatalized counterpart of /h/ is normally described as [ç] (although some speakers do not distinguish [ç] from [ɕ][31]):

/h/ > [ç] /hito/ > [çito] , hito, 'person'
/hj/ > [ç] /hjaku/ > [çakɯ] , hyaku, 'hundred'

A few palatalized consonants turn up only in loanword vocabulary, namely [ɸʲ dʲ].

Alveolo-palatal sibilants

For coronal obstruents, the palatalization goes further, resulting in alveolo-palatal sibilants (e.g. [ta] , ta, 'field' versus [t͡ɕa] , cha, 'tea'):[32]

/s/ > [ɕ] /sio/ > [ɕi.o] , shio, 'salt'
/z/ > [d͡ʑ] or [ʑ] /zisiN/ > [d͡ʑiɕiɴ] 地震, jishin, 'earthquake'
/t/ > [t͡ɕ] /tiziN/ > [t͡ɕid͡ʑiɴ] ~ [t͡ɕiʑiɴ] 知人, chijin, 'acquaintance'

The coronal obstruents /t d s z/ underwent coalescent palatalization when historically followed by /j/:

/sj/ > [ɕ] /sjaboN/ > [ɕaboɴ] シャボン, shabon, 'soap'
/zj/ > [d͡ʑ ~ ʑ] /ɡozjuː/ > [ɡod͡ʑɯː] ~ [ɡoʑɯː]
/zjaɡaimo/ > [d͡ʑaɡaimo]
五十, gojū, 'fifty'
じゃがいも, jagaimo, 'potato'
/tj/ > [t͡ɕ] /tja/ > [t͡ɕa] , cha, 'tea'

Therefore, alveolo-palatal [t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɕ ʑ] can be analyzed as positional allophones of /t d s z/ before /i/, or as the surface realization of underlying /tj dj sj zj/ clusters before other vowels. For example, [ɕi] can be analyzed as /si/ and [ɕa] as /sja/. Likewise, [t͡ɕi] can be analyzed as /ti/ and /t͡ɕa/ as /tja/. (These analyses correspond to the representation of these sounds in the Japanese spelling system.) Most dialects show a merger in the pronunciation of underlying /d and z/ before /j/ or /i/, with the resulting merged phone varying between [ʑ] and [d͡ʑ]. The contrast between /d and z/ is also neutralized before /u/ in most dialects (see above).

Some linguists adopt an analysis where Japanese [t͡ɕ (d)ʑ ɕ] (but not other palatalized consonants) are their own phonemes.[30] Arguments for this include the following:

  • Standard Japanese is widely recognized to now show a surface contrast between [t͡ɕi (d)ʑi] and unaffricated [ti di].[30] The latter of these pairs occurs in vocabulary with a foreign origin. A more marginal contrast may exist between [ɕi and [si].[30] (*[si] and *[(d)zi] usually do not occur even in loanwords, so that English cinema > [ɕinema] シネマ, shinema;[33] although they may be written スィ and ズィ respectively, they are rarely found even among the most innovative speakers and do not occur phonemically.[34][35])
  • The sequences [t͡ɕe (d)ʑe ɕe] are used and faithfully realized in loanwords, whereas /je/ is variably replaced with /ie/ and consonant + /je/ sequences such as [pje], [kje] are generally absent.[30]
  • Phonetically, [t͡ɕ (d)ʑ ɕ] display not only palatalization, but also a shift from alveolar to postalveolar articulation.[30]
  • The aforementioned duration contrast observed between /Ca/ and /Cja/ syllables was not found between the pair [d͡za] and [d͡ʑa].[36]

Alternatively, affrication but not palatalization may be analyzed as phonemic for both voiceless and voiced coronal obstruents. When this analysis is adopted, [t͡ɕ] is analyzed as a palatalized allophone of an underlying affricate phoneme /t͡s/, just as [(d)ʑ] is analyzed as a palatalized allophone of /(d)z/.[10]

Voiceless coronal affricate

In core vocabulary, [t͡s] can be analyzed as an allophone of /t/ before /u/:[37]

/t/ > [t͡s] /tuɡi/ > [t͡sɯɡi] , tsugi, 'next'

In loanwords, however, [t͡s] can occur before other vowels: examples include [tsaitoɡaisɯto] ツァイトガイスト, tsaitogaisuto, 'zeitgeist'; [eɾitsiɴ] エリツィン, Eritsin, 'Yeltsin'.

Voiceless bilabial fricative

In core vocabulary, [ɸ] can be analyzed as an allophone of /h/ before /u/:[37]

/h/ > [ɸ] /huta/ > [ɸɯta] ふた, futa, 'lid'

In loanwords, [ɸ] can occur before other vowels or before /j/. Examples include [ɸaito] ファイト, faito, 'fight'; [ɸjɯː(d)ʑoɴ] フュージョン, fyūjon, 'fusion'. [ɸ] and [h] are distinguished before vowels except [ɯ] (e.g. English fork > [ɸoːkɯ] フォーク, fōku versus hawk > [hoːkɯ] ホーク, hōku). (Some old borrowings show adaptation of foreign [f] to Japanese [h] before a vowel other than /u/, but in borrowings more recent than around 1890, [ɸ] has fairly consistently been used in this context.[38])

In all layers of the vocabulary, *[hɯ] is not distinguished from [ɸɯ][33] (e.g. English hood and food > [ɸɯːdo] フード, fūdo).

Moraic consonants N Q

The phonemic status of moraic consonants is disputed.

One analysis, particularly popular among Japanese scholars, posits that geminate (that is, double) obstruent consonants begin with a special "mora phoneme" (モーラ 音素, Mōra onso) /Q/, which corresponds to a unit of Japanese orthography, the sokuon[39] (Hiragana: ; Katakana: ). Likewise, the moraic nasal is treated by some analyses as a placeless nasal /N/, which likewise corresponds to a unit of Japanese orthography, the hatsuon[40] (Hiragana: ; Katakana: ). These can be seen as archiphonemes that have no underlying place of articulation (and also no manner of articulation, in the case of /Q/), instead manifesting as several phonetic realizations depending on context.

In the analysis with archiphonemes, geminate consonants are the realization of the sequences /Nn/, /Nm/ and sequences of /Q/ followed by an obstruent. In the analysis without archiphonemes, geminate clusters are simply two identical consonants, one after the other.

For example, in those approaches that incorporate /Q/, it is said to completely assimilate to the following obstruent. The assimilated /Q/ remains unreleased, resulting phonetically in a geminate consonant:

[p̚] before [p] /niQ.poN/ > [ɲi.poɴ] 日本, nippon, 'Japan'
[s] before [s] /kaQ.seN/ > [kas.seɴ] 合戦, kassen, 'battle'
[t̚] before [t͡ɕ] /saQ.ti/ > [sa.t͡ɕi] 察知, satchi, 'inference'

Another analysis of Japanese dispenses with /Q/.[41] In such an approach, the words above are phonemicized as shown below:

[p̚] before [p] /nip.poN/ > [ɲi.poɴ] 日本, nippon, 'Japan'
[s] before [s] /kas.seN/ > [kas.seɴ] 合戦, kassen, 'battle'
[t̚] before [t͡ɕ] /sat.ti/ > [sa.t͡ɕi] 察知, satchi, 'inference'

Likewise, rather than being considered a distinct phoneme /N/, the moraic nasal may be considered an allophone of /n/ in syllable-final (coda) position[41][42] (this requires treating syllable or mora boundaries as potentially distinctive, in order to explain the contrast between the moraic nasal and non-moraic /n/ before a vowel). Alternatively, its uvular realization may be taken as basic, i.e., /ɴ/.[43]

Gemination can of course also be transcribed with a length mark (e.g. [ɲipːoɴ]), but this notation obscures mora boundaries.

Velar nasal onset

/ɡ/ may be realized as a velar nasal [ŋ] when it occurs within words—this includes not only between vowels but also between a consonant and a vowel. There is a fair amount of variation between speakers, however. Vance (1987) suggests that the variation follows social class,[44] while Akamatsu (1997) suggests that the variation follows age and geographic location.[45] The generalized situation is as follows.

Standard Japanese speakers can be categorized into 3 groups, referred to as A-, B-, and C-speakers, as defined below. If a B-speaker consistently realizes a given word with the allophone [ŋ], they will never employ [ɣ] as an allophone in that same word. A-speakers vary between [ŋ] and [ɡ], and C-speakers are generally consistent in using [ɡ]: for these groups, the velar fricative [ɣ] is another possible allophone in fast speech.

At the beginning of words

All present-day standard Japanese speakers generally use the stop [ɡ] at the beginning of words.

外遊, gaiyū, 'overseas trip'
/ɡaijuu/ > [ɡaijɯː], but not *[ŋaijɯː]
In the middle of simple words (i.e. non-compounds)
家具, kagu, 'furniture'
A-speakers, a majority, use either [ŋ] or [ɡ] in free variation. /kaɡu/ > [kaŋɯ] or [kaɡɯ]
B-speakers, a minority, consistently use [ŋ]. /kaɡu/ > [kaŋɯ] but not *[kaɡɯ]
C-speakers, the majority in western Japan with a smaller minority
in Kantō, consistently use [ɡ].
/kaɡu/ > [kaɡɯ] but not *[kaŋɯ]
In the middle of compound words (morpheme-initially)

B-speakers consistently use [ɡ] when /ɡ/ occurs morpheme-initially. Thus, for them the words [seŋɡo] 千五, sengo, 'one thousand and five' and [seŋŋo] 戦後, sengo, 'postwar'[46] are a minimal pair, while for others they are homophonous.

To summarize:

はげ, hage, 'baldness'
A-speakers /haɡe/ > [haŋe] or [haɡe] or [haɣe]
B-speakers /haɡe/ > [haŋe]
C-speakers /haɡe/ > [haɡe] or [haɣe]

Some phonologists posit a distinct phoneme /ŋ/, citing pairs such as [oːɡaɾasɯ] (大硝子, 'big sheet of glass') versus [oːŋaɾasɯ] (大烏, 'big raven').[47]


The vowels of Standard Japanese on a vowel chart. Adapted from Okada (1999:117).
More information Front, Central ...
  • /u/ is a close near-back vowel with the lips unrounded ([ɯ̟])[48][49] or compressed ([ɯ̟ᵝ]).[10][50] When compressed, it is pronounced with the side portions of the lips in contact but with no salient protrusion. In conversational speech, compression may be weakened or completely dropped.[50] It is centralized [ɨ] after /s, z, t/ and palatalized consonants (/Cj/),[48] and possibly also after /n/.[50]
  • /e, o/ are mid [, ].[51]
  • /a/ is central [ä].[51]

Except for /u/, the short vowels are similar to their Spanish counterparts.

Long vowels and vowel sequences

All vowels display a length contrast: short vowels are phonemically distinct from long vowels:

[obasan] 小母さん, obasan, 'aunt' [obaːsan] お婆さん, obaasan, 'grandmother'
[kegeɴ] 怪訝, kegen, 'dubious' [keːgeɴ] 軽減, keigen, 'reduction'
[çirɯ̟ᵝ] , hiru, 'leech' [çiːru] ヒール, hiiru, 'heel'
[tokai] 都会, tokai, 'city' [toːkai] 倒壊, tōkai, 'destruction'
[kɯ̟ᵝ] , ku, 'district' [kɯ̟ᵝː] , , 'void'[52]

Long vowels are pronounced with around 2.5 or 3 times the phonetic duration of short vowels, but are considered to be two moras long at the phonological level.[53] In normal speech, a “double vowel”, that is, a sequence of two identical short vowels (for example, across morpheme boundaries), is pronounced the same way as a long vowel. However, a distinction may be produced in slow or formal speech, where an audible hiatus (sometimes enunciated as a glottal stop) may occur between a sequence of two identical short vowels, but not in the middle of an intrinsically long vowel:[54]

[satoːja] 砂糖屋, satō-ya, 'sugar shop'
[satoːja] or [satoʔoja] 里親, sato-oya, 'foster parent'[54]

In addition, a double vowel may bear pitch accent on either the first or second element, whereas an intrinsically long vowel can be accented only on its first mora.[55] The distinction between double vowels and long vowels may be phonologically analyzed in various ways. One analysis interprets long vowels as ending in a special segment /R/ that adds a mora to the preceding vowel sound[56] (a chroneme). Another analysis interprets long vowels as sequences of the same vowel phoneme twice, with double vowels distinguished by the presence of a “zero consonant” or empty onset between the vowels.[57]

Within words and phrases, Japanese allows long sequences of phonetic vowels without intervening consonants. Sequences of two vowels within a single word are extremely common, occurring at the end of many i-type adjectives, for example, and having three or more vowels in sequence within a word also occurs, as in あおい, aoi, 'blue/green'. In phrases, sequences with multiple o sounds are most common, due to the direct object particle , wo (which comes after a word) being realized as o and the honorific prefix お〜, o, which can occur in sequence, and may follow a word itself terminating in an o sound; these may be dropped in rapid speech. A fairly common construction exhibiting these is 「〜をお送りします」, wo o-okuri-shimasu, '...humbly send...'. More extreme examples follow:

/hoː.oː.o.o.oː/ [hoː.oː.o.o.oː] hōō o oō (鳳凰ほうおうおう) 'let's chase the fenghuang'
/toː.oː.o.oː.oː/ [toː.oː.o.oː.oː] tōō o ōō (東欧とうおうおおおう) 'let's cover Eastern Europe'


In many dialects, the close vowels /i/ and /u/ become voiceless when placed between two voiceless consonants or, unless accented, between a voiceless consonant and a pausa.[58]

/kutu/ > [kɯ̥t͡sɯ] , kutsu, 'shoe'
/atu/ > [at͡sɯ̥] , atsu, 'pressure'
/hikaN/ > [çi̥kaɴ] 悲観, hikan, 'pessimism'

Generally, devoicing does not occur in a consecutive manner:[59]

/kisitu/ > [kʲi̥ɕit͡sɯ] 気質, kishitsu, 'temperament'
/kusikumo/ > [kɯɕi̥kɯmo] 奇しくも, kushikumo, 'strangely'

This devoicing is not restricted to only fast speech, though consecutive devoicing may occur in fast speech.[60]

To a lesser extent, /o, a/ may be devoiced with the further requirement that there be two or more adjacent moras containing the same phoneme:[58]

/kokoro/ > [ko̥koɾo] , kokoro, 'heart'
/haka/ > [hḁka] , haka, 'grave'

The common sentence-ending copula です, desu and polite suffix ます, masu are typically pronounced [desɯ̥] and [masɯ̥].[61]

Japanese speakers are usually not even aware of the difference of the voiced and devoiced pair. On the other hand, gender roles play a part in prolonging the terminal vowel: it is regarded as effeminate to prolong, particularly the terminal /u/ as in あります, arimasu, 'there is'. Some nonstandard varieties of Japanese can be recognized by their hyper-devoicing, while in some Western dialects and some registers of formal speech, every vowel is voiced.[citation needed] Recent research has argued that "vowel deletion" more accurately describes the phenomena.[62]

However, Japanese contrasts devoiced vowel between two identical voiceless fricatives and voiceless fricative gemination. Vowel between two identical voiceless fricatives may have either a weak voiceless approximant release or a revoiced vowel depending on the rate of speech and individual speech habits.

[niɕɕimbaɕi] 日進橋, Nisshinbashi vs. [niɕi̥ɕimbaɕi] or [niɕiɕimbaɕi] 西新橋, Nishi-shinbashi
[kessai] 決済, 'check out' vs. [kesɯ̥sai] or [kesɯsai] 消す際, 'while erasing'


Japanese vowels are slightly nasalized when adjacent to nasals /m, n/. Before the moraic nasal /N/, vowels are heavily nasalized:

/kaNtoo/ > [kãntoː] 関東, Kantō 'Kanto region'
/seesaN/ > [seːsãɴ] 生産, seisan, 'production'

Glottal stop insertion

At the beginning and end of utterances, Japanese vowels may be preceded and followed by a glottal stop [ʔ], respectively. This is demonstrated below with the following words (as pronounced in isolation):

/eN/ > [eɴ] ~ [ʔeɴ] , en, 'yen'
/kisi/ > [kiɕiʔ] , kishi, 'shore'
/u/ > [ɯʔ ~ ʔɯʔ] , u, 'cormorant'

When an utterance-final word is uttered with emphasis, this glottal stop is plainly audible, and is often indicated in the writing system with a small letter , tsu, called a sokuon. This is also found in interjections like あっ, a and えっ, e.



Japanese words have traditionally been analysed as composed of moras, a distinct concept from that of syllables.[63][64] Each mora occupies one rhythmic unit, i.e. it is perceived to have the same time value.[65] A mora may be "regular" consisting of just a vowel (V) or a consonant and a vowel (CV), or may be one of two "special" moras, /N/ and /Q/. A glide /j/ may precede the vowel in "regular" moras (CjV). Some analyses posit a third "special" mora, /R/, the second part of a long vowel (a chroneme).[66][67] In the following table, the period represents a mora break, rather than the conventional syllable break.

Mora type Example Japanese Moras per word
V /o/ , o, 'tail' 1-mora word
jV /jo/ , yo, 'world' 1-mora word
CV /ko/ , ko, 'child' 1-mora word
CjV /kjo/1 , kyo, 'hugeness' 1-mora word
R /R/ in /kjo.R/ or /kjo.o/ 今日, kyō, 'today' 2-mora word
N /N/ in /ko.N/ , kon, 'deep blue' 2-mora word
Q /Q/ in /ko.Q.ko/ or /ko.k.ko/ 国庫, kokko, 'national treasury' 3-mora word
^1 Traditionally, moras were divided into plain and palatal sets, the latter of which entail palatalization of the consonant element.[68]

Thus, the disyllabic [ɲip.poɴ] (日本, 'Japan') may be analyzed as /niQpoN/, dissected into four moras: /ni/, /Q/, /po/, and /N/.

In English, stressed syllables in a word are pronounced louder, longer, and with higher pitch, while unstressed syllables are relatively shorter in duration. Japanese is often considered a mora-timed language, as each mora tends to be of the same length,[69] though not strictly: geminate consonants and moras with devoiced vowels may be shorter than other moras.[70] Factors such as pitch have negligible influence on mora length.[71]

Pitch accent

Standard Japanese has a distinctive pitch accent system: a word can have one of its moras bearing an accent or not. An accented mora is pronounced with a relatively high tone and is followed by a drop in pitch. The various Japanese dialects have different accent patterns, and some exhibit more complex tonic systems.


Within a mora

More information /-a/, /-i/ ...

The phoneme /p/, a remnant of Old Japanese, now occurs almost always medially in compounds, typically as a result of gemination (as in 切符, kippu, 切腹, seppuku or 北方, hoppō) or after /N/ (as in 音符, onpu), and in a few older compounds as a result of the contractions of pronunciations over time (as in 河童, kappa). It occurs initially or medially in onomatopoeia. Some few non-onomatopoeic exceptions where it occurs initially include 風太郎, pūtarō, although as a personal name it is still pronounced Fūtarō. As gairaigo, loanwords of non-Middle-Chinese origin (non-Middle-Chinese Chinese borrowings such as パオズ, paozu, ペテン, peten as well as borrowings from non-Chinese languages such as パーティー, pātī, etc.), enter the language, /p/ is increasingly used in transcription, initially or medially.


Japanese syllables may start with the palatal glide /j/ or with consonant + /j/ clusters. These onsets normally can be found only before the back vowels /a o u/.

Before /i/, /j/ never occurs. All consonants are phonetically palatalized before /i/, but do not contrast in this position with unpalatalized consonants: as a result, palatalization in this context can be analyzed as allophonic. In native Japanese vocabulary, coronal obstruent phones (i.e. [t s d (d)z]) do not occur before /i/, and in contexts where a morphological process such as verb inflection would place a coronal obstruent phoneme before /i/, the coronal is replaced with an alveolo-palatal sibilant, resulting in alternations such as [matanai] 'wait' (negative) vs. [mat͡ɕimasu] 'wait' (polite) or [kasanai] 'lend' (negative) vs. [kaɕimasu] 'lend' (polite).[73] Thus, [t͡ɕ ɕ (d)ʑ] function in native vocabulary as the palatalized counterparts of coronal consonant phonemes. However, the analysis of alveolo-palatal sibilants as palatalized allophones of coronal consonants is complicated by loanwords. The sequences [ti di] are distinguished from [t͡ɕi (d)ʑi] in recent loanwords (with [ti] generally preserved in words borrowed more recently than 1930[74]) and to a lesser extent, some speakers may exhibit a contrast in loanwords between [t͡si (d)zi si] and [t͡ɕi (d)ʑi ɕi].

Before /e/, [j] was lost in the current standard language, but some dialects (such as Kyushu) and pre-modern versions of the language contain [je] as well as exhibiting [ɕe] in place of modern standard [se].[75] In standard Japanese, non-foreign words do not contain [t͡ɕe (d)ʑe ɕe]. There are no morphological alternations related to this gap.[76] As discussed above, these sequences can occur in loanwords. The sequence [t͡ɕe] has been consistently used in borrowed words at all time periods; セロ (sero) from cello seems to be a unique exception showing adaptation of [t͡ɕe] to [se].[77][78] Another rare exception, showing adaptation to [t͡ɕi] (vowel raising), is チッキ (chikki) from English check (less common than チェック (chekku)).[79] The sequences [(d)ʑe] and [ɕe] tend to be used in words borrowed more recently than around 1950, whereas words borrowed before that point may show depalatalization to [(d)ze] and [se] respectively.[79] Examples of depalatalized forms include ゼリー (zerī) from English jelly and セパード ( sepādo) from English shepherd[78] (the latter borrowing dates to the 19th century[75]).

Pre-U consonants

Several Japanese consonants developed special phonetic values before /u/. These variants, while initially allophonic, may however have attained phonemic status through later neutralizations or the introduction of novel contrasts in loanwords.

There is no distinction between [hu] and [ɸu]. In core vocabulary, the voiceless bilabial fricative [ɸ] occurs only before the vowel /u/. Thus, [ɸu] can be analyzed as an allophonic realization of /hu/.[37]

In core vocabulary, [tu] and [du] do not occur, because /t d/ were affricated to [t͡s d͡z] before /u/. The voiceless coronal affricate [t͡s] occurs only before the vowel /u/; thus [t͡su] can be analyzed as an allophonic realization of /tu/.[37] Verb inflection shows alternations between [t] and [t͡s], as in [katanai] 'win' (negative) and [kat͡su] 'win' (present tense).[37] In dialects that show neutralization of the [d͡z z] contrast, the merged phone [d͡z~z] can occur before any vowel (not only before /u/); thus, for these dialects, the affrication of original /du/ can be analyzed as resulting in a phonemically distinct sequence /zu/ (resulting in a gap for the sequence /du/).

However, the interpretation of [t͡su] as /tu/ (with [t͡s] merely an allophone of /t/) is complicated by loanwords. The voiceless coronal affricate [t͡s] can occur before vowels other than /u/ in loanwords. Unaffricated [tu] and [du] can be found in relatively recent loanwords, such as the following:

English: Today/tudei/
French: toujours [tuʒuʀ]/tuzjuuru/
French: douze [duz]/duuzu/[80]

Older loanwords from French display adaptation of [tu] as [t͡su] and of [du] as [do]:

French: Toulouse [tuluz]/t͡suuruuzu/
French: Pompidou [pɔ̃pidu]/poNpidoo/[81]

In both old and recent loanwords, the epenthetic vowel used after word-final or pre-consonantal /t/ or /d/ is normally /o/ rather than /u/. However, adapted forms show some fluctuation between [to do] and [tu du] in this context, e.g. French estrade [estʀad] 'stage', in addition to being adapted as /esutoraddo/, has a variant adaptation /esuturaddu/.[80]

Between moras

Special moras

If analyzed as phonemes, the moraic consonants /N/ and /Q/ show a number of phonotactic restrictions (although some constraints can be violated in certain contexts, or may apply only within certain layers of Japanese vocabulary). In native Japanese vocabulary, geminate consonants do not occur after long vowels, diphthongs[82] or the moraic nasal consonant (i.e. geminates are typically found after a short vowel). While some Japanese words do exhibit geminates in these positions, such as tootta and rondonkko, these can be characterized as exceptional cases.[83] Geminate nasals may be analyzed phonemically as sequences of /N/ + an onset nasal consonant, whereas geminate obstruents may be analyzed phonemically as sequences of /Q/ + an onset obstruent consonant.


The moraic nasal /N/ generally does not occur word-initially. It can occur between a vowel and a consonant, between vowels (where it contrasts with non-moraic nasal onsets), or at the end of a word.

In colloquial speech, /N/ may occur word-initially as a result of dropping of a preceding mora. In this context, its pronunciation is invariably assimilated to the place of articulation of the following consonant:

/naN-bjaku-neN//N-bjaku-neN/ [mbjakuneɴ] ('several hundred years')
/soNna koto//Nna koto/ [nnakoto] ('such thing')[84]

The moraic obstruent /Q/ generally occurs only in word-medial position between a vowel and a consonant. However, word-initial geminates may occur in casual speech as the result of elision:

/mattaku/ (an expression of exasperation) → [ttaku]
/usseena/ ('shut up') → [sseena] [85]

/Q/ does not occur before vowels or nasal consonants.

In native Japanese vocabulary, /Q/ is found only before /p t k s/[86] (i.e. voiceless obstruents other than /h/; this includes [t͡s], [t͡ɕ] and [ɕ], which can be taken to be allophones of /t/ and /s/). The same generally applies to Sino-Japanese vocabulary. In these layers of the vocabulary, [pp] functions as the geminate counterpart of /h/ due to the historical development of Japanese /h/ from Old Japanese [p].[87] Geminate /h/ is found only in recent loanwords (e.g. ゴッホ, Gohho, '(van) Gogh', バッハ, Bahha, 'Bach'), and rarely in Sino-Japanese or mixed compounds (e.g. 十針, juhhari, 'ten stitches', 絶不調, zeffuchō, 'terrible slump').[88]

Voiced geminate obstruents do not occur in native Japanese words.[89] This can be seen with suffixation that would otherwise feature voiced geminates. For example, Japanese has a suffix, |ri| that contains what Kawahara (2006) calls a "floating mora" that triggers gemination in certain cases (e.g. |tapu| +|ri| > [tappɯɾi] 'a lot of'). When this would otherwise lead to a geminated voiced obstruent, a moraic nasal appears instead as a sort of "partial gemination" (e.g. |zabu| + |ri| > [(d)zambɯɾi] 'splashing').[90][91]

However, in words adapted from foreign languages, voiced geminate obstruents have been used since the 19th century.[92] These loanwords can even come from languages, such as English, that do not feature gemination in the first place. For example, when an English word features a coda consonant preceded by a lax vowel, it can be borrowed into Japanese with a geminate; gemination may also appear as a result of borrowing via written materials, where a word spelled with doubled letters leads to a geminated pronunciation.[93] Because these loanwords can feature voiced geminates, Japanese now exhibits a voice distinction with geminates where it formerly did not:[94]

スラッガー, suraggā ('slugger') vs. surakkā ('slacker')
キッド, kiddo ('kid') vs. kitto ('kit')

Voiced geminate obstruents may also occur in truncated word forms (created by blending some moras from each word in a longer phrase) and in forms produced as the outcome of word games:[95]

カットモデル, katto moderu, 'cut model' /kaQto moderu/kadderu /kaQderu/ (blend)[95]
バット, batto, 'bat' /baQto/tobba /toQba/ (form produced in a reversing language game)[95]

Phonetically, voiced geminate obstruents in Japanese tend to have a 'semi-devoiced' pronunciation where phonetic voicing stops partway through the closure of the consonant.[96] High vowels are not devoiced after phonemically voiced geminates.[96]

In some cases, voiced geminate obstruents can optionally be replaced with the corresponding voiceless geminate phonemes:[97][98]

バッド, baddoバット, batto, 'bad'[97]
ドッグ, dogguドック, dokku, 'dog'[97]
ベッド, beddoベット, betto, 'bed'[98]

Phonemic devoicing like this (which may be marked in spelling) has been argued to be conditioned by the presence of another voiced obstruent.[99] Another example is doreddo ~ doretto 'dreadlocks'. Kawahara (2006) attributes this to a less reliable distinction between voiced and voiceless geminates compared to the same distinction in non-geminated consonants, noting that speakers may have difficulty distinguishing them due to the partial devoicing of voiced geminates and their resistance to the weakening process mentioned above, both of which can make them sound like voiceless geminates.[100]

Syllable structure

Although some scholars question the usefulness or relevance of syllables to the phonology of Japanese, it is possible to analyze Japanese words as being divided into syllables, with each syllable normally composed of one to two moras (of which the first must contain a vowel). Japanese can be described as generally permitting the following syllable structures: (C)(j)V (with the value of a single mora) and (C)(j)VV, (C)(j)VN, (C)(j)VQ (with the value of two moras).[101]

The shape (C)(j)VV includes syllables ending in long vowels (which can be analyzed either as containing the same vowel phoneme twice within one syllable, or alternatively as (C)(j)VR, ending in a chroneme mora) as well as syllables ending in diphthongs (typically analyzed as sequences of two non-identical vowel phonemes). There is dispute about which vowel sequences in Japanese can constitute diphthongs; Kubozono 2015 recognizes only /ai/, /oi/ and /ui/.[102] Labrune 2012, who argues against the syllable as a unit of Japanese phonology, notes that the vowel sequences /ai oi ui ie ae oe ue io ao uo/ can all occur within a morpheme in indigenous or Sino-Japanese words, but concludes that none of them ought to be analyzed as diphthongs.[103]

Evidence for the avoidance of syllables of three or more moras (known as 'superheavy' syllables) includes the adaptation of foreign long vowels or diphthongs to Japanese short vowels before /N/ in loanwords such as the following:

English: foundationJapanese: ファンデーション, romanized: fandēshon
English: stainlessJapanese: ステンレス, romanized: sutenresu
English: corned beefJapanese: コンビーフ, romanized: konbīfu[104]

There are however loanwords that appear to contain superheavy syllables:

English: SpainJapanese: スペイン, romanized: supein
English: greenJapanese: グリーン, romanized: gurīn[105]

However, Kubozono 2015 argues based on accentuation data that these seemingly trimoraic syllables actually contain a syllable boundary after the first mora.[106]


As an agglutinative language, Japanese has generally very regular pronunciation, with much simpler morphophonology than a fusional language would. Nevertheless, there are a number of prominent sound change phenomena, primarily in morpheme combination and in conjugation of verbs and adjectives. Phonemic changes are generally reflected in the spelling, while those that are not either indicate informal or dialectal speech which further simplify pronunciation.


Various forms of sandhi exist; the Japanese term for sandhi generally is ren'on (連音).


In Japanese, sandhi is prominently exhibited in rendakuconsonant mutation of the initial consonant of a morpheme from unvoiced to voiced in some contexts when it occurs in the middle of a word. This phonetic difference is reflected in the spelling via the addition of dakuten, as in ka, ga (か/が). In cases where this combines with the yotsugana mergers, notably ji, dzi (じ/ぢ) and zu, dzu (ず/づ) in standard Japanese, the resulting spelling is morphophonemic rather than purely phonemic.


The other common sandhi in Japanese is conversion of or (tsu, ku), and or (chi, ki), and rarely or (fu, hi) as a trailing consonant to a geminate consonant when not word-final – orthographically, the sokuon , as this occurs most often with . So that

  • (い itsu) + (しょ sho) = 一緒 (いしょ issho)
  • (が gaku) + (こう ) = 学校 (がこう gakkō)

Some long vowels derive from an earlier combination of a vowel and fu ふ (see onbin). The f often causes gemination when it is joined with another word:

  • (hafu はふ >  ほう) + (hi ひ) = 法被 (happi はっぴ), instead of hōhi ほうひ
  • (kafu かふ >  ごう) + (sen せん) = 合戦 (kassen), instead of gōsen
  • (nifu > nyū) + (shō) = 入声 (nisshō), instead of nyūshō
  • (jifu > ) + (kai) = 十戒 (jikkai) instead of jūkai

Most words exhibiting this change are Sino-Japanese words deriving from Middle Chinese morphemes ending in /t̚/, /k̚/ or /p̚/, which were borrowed on their own into Japanese with a prop vowel after them (e.g., MC */nit̚/ > Japanese /niti/ [ɲit͡ɕi]) but in compounds as assimilated to the following consonant (e.g. 日本 MC */nit̚.pu̯ən/ > Japanese /niQ.poN/ [ɲip̚.poɴ]).


Sandhi also occurs much less often in renjō (連声), where, most commonly, a terminal /N/ or /Q/ on one morpheme results in /n/ (or /m/ when derived from historical m) or /t̚/ respectively being added to the start of a following morpheme beginning with a vowel or semivowel, as in ten + ō → tennō (天皇: てん + おう → てんのう). Examples:

First syllable ending with /N/
  • 銀杏 (ginnan): ぎん (gin) + あん (an) → ぎん (ginnan)
  • 観音 (kannon): くゎん (kwan) + おむ (om) → くゎん (kwannom) → かん (kannon)
  • 天皇 (tennō): てん (ten) + わう (wau) → てん (tennau) → てん (tennō)
First syllable ending with /N/ from original /m/
  • 三位 (sanmi): さむ (sam) + (wi) → さむ (sammi) → さん (sanmi)
  • 陰陽 (onmyō): おむ (om) + やう (yau) → おむゃう (ommyau) → おんょう (onm)
First syllable ending with /Q/
  • 雪隠 (setchin): せつ (setsu) + いん (in) → せっ (setchin)
  • 屈惑 (kuttaku): くつ (kutsu) + わく (waku) → くっ (kuttaku)


More information Archaic, Modern ...
1. usually not reflected in spelling

Another prominent feature is onbin (音便, euphonic sound change), particularly historical sound changes.

In cases where this has occurred within a morpheme, the morpheme itself is still distinct but with a different sound, as in hōki (箒 (ほうき), broom), which underwent two sound changes from earlier hahaki (ははき)hauki (はうき) (onbin) → houki (ほうき) (historical vowel change) → hōki (ほうき) (long vowel, sound change not reflected in kana spelling).

However, certain forms are still recognizable as irregular morphology, particularly forms that occur in basic verb conjugation, as well as some compound words.

Verb conjugation

Polite adjective forms

The polite adjective forms (used before the polite copula gozaru (ござる, be) and verb zonjiru (存じる, think, know)) exhibit a one-step or two-step sound change. Firstly, these use the continuative form, -ku (-く), which exhibits onbin, dropping the k as -ku (-く)-u (-う). Secondly, the vowel may combine with the preceding vowel, according to historical sound changes; if the resulting new sound is palatalized, meaning yu, yo (ゆ、よ), this combines with the preceding consonant, yielding a palatalized syllable.

This is most prominent in certain everyday terms that derive from an i-adjective ending in -ai changing to (-ou), which is because these terms are abbreviations of polite phrases ending in gozaimasu, sometimes with a polite o- prefix. The terms are also used in their full form, with notable examples being:

  • arigatō (有難う、ありがとう, Thank you), from arigatai (有難い、ありがたい, (I am) grateful).
  • ohayō (お早う、おはよう, Good morning), from hayai (早い、はやい, (It is) early).
  • omedetō (お目出度う、おめでとう, Congratulations), from medetai (目出度い、めでたい, (It is) auspicious).

Other transforms of this type are found in polite speech, such as oishiku (美味しく)oishū (美味しゅう) and ōkiku (大きく)ōkyū (大きゅう).


The morpheme hito (人 (ひと), person) (with rendaku -bito (〜びと)) has changed to uto (うと) or udo (うど), respectively, in a number of compounds. This in turn often combined with a historical vowel change, resulting in a pronunciation rather different from that of the components, as in nakōdo (仲人 (なこうど), matchmaker) (see below). These include:

  • otōto (弟 (おとうと), younger brother), from otohito (弟人 (おとひと)) 'younger sibling' + 'person'otouto (おとうと)otōto.
  • imōto (妹 (いもうと), younger sister), from imohito (妹人 (いもひと)) 'sister' + 'person'imouto (いもうと)imōto.
  • shirōto (素人 (しろうと), novice), from shirohito (白人 (しろひと)) 'white' + 'person'shirouto (しろうと)shirōto.
  • kurōto (玄人 (くろうと), veteran), from kurohito (黒人 (くろひと)) 'black' + 'person'kurouto (くろうと)kurōto.
  • nakōdo (仲人 (なこうど), matchmaker), from nakabito (仲人 (なかびと))nakaudo (なかうど)nakoudo (なこうど)nakōdo.
  • karyūdo (狩人 (かりゅうど), hunter), from karibito (狩人 (かりびと))kariudo (かりうど)karyuudo (かりゅうど)karyūdo.
  • shūto (舅 (しゅうと), stepfather), from shihito (舅人 (しひと))shiuto (しうと)shuuto (しゅうと)shūto.
  • kurōdo (蔵人 (くろうど), warehouse keeper (archivist, sake/soy sauce/miso maker)), from kurabito (蔵人 (くらびと)) 'storehouse' + 'person'kurando (くらんど)kuraudo (くらうど)kuroudo (くろうど)kurōdo. kurauzu (くらうず) is also found, as a variant of kuraudo (くらうど).


In some cases morphemes have effectively fused and will not be recognizable as being composed of two separate morphemes.[citation needed]

See also



    1. Nasu (2015), p. 253.
    2. Nasu (2015), p. 255.
    3. Jeroen van de Weijer, Kensuke Nanjo, Tetsuo Nishihara (2005). Voicing in Japanese. Walter de Gruyter. p. 150. ISBN 9783110197686.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
    4. Akamatsu (1997) employs a different symbol, [], for the lateral tap.
    5. Vance (2008), pp. 101–102.
    6. Labrune (2012), pp. 133–134.
    7. Maekawa (2023), pp. 209–210.
    8. Nogita (2006), pp. 78–79.
    9. Labrune (2012), pp. 132–133.
    10. Vance (1987), pp. 110–111.
    11. Japanese academics represent [ɡo] as and [ŋo] as こ゚.
    12. Vance (2008), pp. 54–56.
    13. Labrune (2012), pp. 34–35.
    14. Moras are represented orthographically in katakana and hiragana – each mora, with the exception of CjV clusters, being one kana – and are referred to in Japanese as 'on' or 'onji'.
    15. Verdonschot, Rinus G.; Kiyama, Sachiko; Tamaoka, Katsuo; Kinoshita, Sachiko; Heij, Wido La; Schiller, Niels O. (2011). "The functional unit of Japanese word naming: Evidence from masked priming". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 37 (6): 1458–1473. doi:10.1037/a0024491. hdl:1887/18409. PMID 21895391. S2CID 18278865.
    16. Also notated /H/, following the conventional usage of h for lengthened vowels in romanization.
    17. Labrune (2012), pp. 143–144.
    18. Itō & Mester (1995:827). In such a classification scheme, the plain counterparts of moras with a palatal glide are onsetless moras.
    19. Aoyama (2001), pp. 1–2.
    20. Aoyama (2001), pp. 7–8.
    21. Irwin (2011), pp. 75–76.
    22. Smith 1980, §
    23. Crawford 2009, pp. 71–72.
    24. Labrune (2012), pp. 70, 136.
    25. Labrune (2012:104–105) points out that the prefix |bu| has the same effect.
    26. Crawford 2009, pp. 62–65.
    27. Kawahara (2011), pp. 1–2.
    28. Sano (2013), pp. 245–246.
    29. Kawahara (2011:2) and Sano (2013:246), citing Nishimura 2003
    30. Kawahara (2006), pp. 559, 561, 565.
    31. Labrune (2012), pp. 53–56.
    32. Kubozono (2015), pp. 13–14.


    Further reading

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