
Outline of the Korean language

Outline of the Korean language

Topical guide to the Korean language

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the Korean language:

Korean East Asian language spoken by about 80 million people.[1] It is a member of the Koreanic language family and is the official and national language of North Korea and South Korea, which form Korea. It is also one of the two official languages in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Changbai Korean Autonomous County of Jilin, China. Historical and modern linguists classify Korean as a language isolate;[2][3][4][5][6][7] however, it does have a few extinct relatives, which together with Korean and the Jeju language (spoken on Jeju Island and considered distinct) form the Koreanic language family.[8][9] Korean is agglutinative in its morphology and SOV in its syntax.





In non-Korean languages

Chinese characters

Other language systems


Korean grammar


Dialects and relatives

In Korea

North Korea

South Korea


Outside Korea



Romanization of Korean



Korean dictionaries

Organizations and institutions


  1. Summary by language size, table 3
  2. Campbell, Lyle; Mixco, Mauricio (2007), "Korean, A language isolate", A Glossary of Historical Linguistics, University of Utah Press, pp. 7, 90–91, most specialists... no longer believe that the... Altaic groups... are related […] Korean is often said to belong with the Altaic hypothesis, often also with Japanese, though this is not widely supported.
  3. Dalby, David (1999–2000), The Register of the World's Languages and Speech Communities, Linguasphere Press.
  4. Kim, Nam-Kil (1992), "Korean", International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, vol. 2, pp. 282–86, scholars have tried to establish genetic relationships between Korean and other languages and major language families, but with little success.
  5. Róna-Tas, András (1998), "The Reconstruction of Proto-Turkic and the Genetic Question", The Turkic Languages, Routledge, pp. 67–80, [Ramstedt's comparisons of Korean and Altaic] have been heavily criticised in more recent studies, though the idea of a genetic relationship has not been totally abandoned.
  6. Schönig, Claus (2003), "Turko-Mongolic Relations", The Mongolic Languages, Routledge, pp. 403–19, the 'Altaic' languages do not seem to share a common basic vocabulary of the type normally present in cases of genetic relationship.
  7. Sanchez-Mazas; Blench; Ross; Lin; Pejros, eds. (2008), "Stratification in the peopling of China: how far does the linguistic evidence match genetics and archaeology?", Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence, Taylor & Francis

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