
<i>Primo Feliciter</i>

Primo Feliciter

Motu proprio issued by Pope Pius XII on March 12, 1948

Primo Feliciter was a motu proprio issued by Pope Pius XII on March 12, 1948.[1]

Primo Feliciter was issued a year after the constitution Provida Mater Ecclesia. This motu proprio confirmed and blessed secular institutes within the Catholic Church.[1]

Along with Provida Mater Ecclesia and Cum Sanctissimus, Primo Feliciter provided the basis for Catholic secular institutes to receive their own legislation.[2]


  1. The Church in the Modern Age (Vol 10) by Hubert Jedin, Gabriel Adriányi, John Dolan ISBN 0860120929, Hypeion Press p. 327.
  2. Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition by Jordan Aumann 1985 ISBN 0722019173 p. 272.


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