
Demographics of Saint Lucia

Demographics of Saint Lucia

Demographics of Saint Lucia

This is a demography of the population of Saint Lucia including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

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Demographics of Saint Lucia, Data of FAO, year 2005; Number of inhabitants in thousands

According to the 2018 population census, Saint Lucia has a population of 179,667.[2] The estimated population of 2021 is 179,651 (the 2022 revision of the World Population Prospects[3][4]). The population is evenly divided between urban and rural areas.

Vital statistics

More information Average population (x 1000), Live births ...


Structure of the population

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Population by Sex and Age Group (Census 10.V.2010) (Provisional) (Population in households only.): [9]
More information Age Group, Male ...
Population Estimates by Sex and Age Group (01.VII.2021) (Data refer to usual resident population.): [9]

Ethnic groups

Saint Lucia's population is predominantly African/black (141,216 in 2010; 85.3% of the total population) or of mixed African-European descent (17,965; 10.8%).[2] 2.2% of the population is East Indian (3,575 residents in 2010) and 0.6% white (991). Saint Lucia also has a small Amerindian (Carib) population. During the past decades the Amerindian (Carib) increased from 366 at the 1991 census (0.3% of the population), 803 at the 2001 census (0.5% of the population) to 951 in 2010 (0.6% of the population.

The remaining 0.5% of the population includes Chinese (0.1%) and people from the Middle East (0.1%).

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The official language is English.[11][12] Saint Lucian Creole French (Kwéyòl), which is colloquially referred to as Patois ("Patwa"), is spoken by 95% of the population.[13] This Antillean Creole is used in literature and music, and is gaining official acknowledgement.[13] Saint Lucian Creole is very related to Haitian Creole as it developed during the early period of French colonisation, the Creole is derived chiefly from French and West African languages, with some vocabulary from Carib and other sources. Saint Lucia is a member of La Francophonie.[14]


According to the 2010 census, 90.2% percent of the population of Saint Lucia is considered Christian, 2.3% has a non-Christian religion and 5.9% has no religion or did not state a religion (1.4%).[2]

Roughly two thirds of Christians are Roman Catholics (61.5% of the total population), a reflection of early French influence on the island, and 25.5% are Protestant. The Seventh-day Adventists constitute the largest Protestant group, with 10.4% of the population. Pentecostals are the second largest group (8.9%). The next largest group are Evangelicals (2.3% of the population), followed by Baptists (2.2%). Other Christians include Anglicanism (3.4%) and Jehovah's Witnesses (1.1%),

The number of non-Christians is small. These religious groups include the Rastafarian Movement (1.9% of the population), Hinduism (0.3%) and Muslims (0.1%).

More information Religious groups of Saint Lucia ...

In 2023, Saint Lucia was scored 4 out of 4 for religious freedom.[15]

See also


  1. "Annual Statistical Digest" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-10-06. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  2. "Cepal-Celade::Redatam Style Page". Archived from the original on 2013-12-29. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  3. "Population". 2013-05-13. Archived from the original on 2013-09-29. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  4. "Home". Archived from the original on 2013-12-29. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  5. "Demographic Profile : Saint Lucia" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-08-17. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  6. "UNSD — Demographic and Social Statistics". Retrieved 2023-05-10.
  7. "Central America and Caribbean :: SAINT LUCIA". CIA The World Factbook. 2 May 2023.
  8. "About St. Lucia". Castries, St. Lucia: St. Lucis Tourist Board. Archived from the original on 5 June 2013. Retrieved 11 November 2011. The official language spoken in Saint Lucia is English although many Saint Lucians also speak a French dialect, Creole (Kwéyòl).
  9. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (U.S. Department of State) (12 August 2011). "Background Note: Saint Lucia". United States Department of State. Retrieved 11 November 2011. Languages: English (official); a French patois is common throughout the country.
  10. "Kweyolphone Countries Take Stock of the Language's Growth". Government of Saint Lucia. Archived from the original on 2 April 2012. Retrieved 22 August 2008.

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