
Second cabinet of Geir Haarde

Second cabinet of Geir Haarde

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The Second cabinet of Geir Haarde in Iceland was formed 24 May 2007.[1] It resigned due to the 2009 Icelandic financial crisis protests.

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Inaugural cabinet: 24 May 2007 – 1 February 2009

The Ministry of Commerce was renamed in English the Ministry of Business Affairs but the Icelandic name was unchanged. The Ministry of Industry was renamed in English the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism but the Icelandic name was unchanged.

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Change: 1 January 2008

The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Fisheries merged to form the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture (Sjávarútvegs- og landbúnaðarráðuneytið). The Ministry of Health and Social Security was renamed the Ministry of Health (Heilbrigðisráðuneytið). The Ministry of Social Affairs was renamed the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security (Félags- og tryggingamálaráðuneytið). Statistics Iceland became an independent government agency.[2][3]

See also


  1. "Annað ráðuneyti Geirs H. Haarde" [Second cabinet of Geir Haarde]. Historical material (in Icelandic). Cabinet of Iceland. Retrieved 29 September 2012.
  2. "Lög um breytingu á lögum um Stjórnarráð Íslands, nr. 73/1969" [Law amending the law on the Cabinet of Iceland, № 73/1969.]. Icelandic law (in Icelandic). Parliament of Iceland. Retrieved 24 September 2012.
  3. "Starfsemi" [Operation] (in Icelandic). Statistics Iceland. Retrieved 4 October 2012. Hagstofa Íslands tók til starfa árið 1914. Til ársloka 2007 var hún eitt ráðuneyta í Stjórnarráði Íslands. Hagstofan hefur lengst af starfað samkvæmt stofnlögum sínum frá 1913 og lögum og reglugerð um Stjórnarráð Íslands. Hinn 1. janúar 2008 var Hagstofa Íslands lögð niður sem ráðuneyti. Þá tóku gildi ný lög um Hagstofu Íslands og opinbera hagskýrslugerð og komu þau að mestu í stað eldri löggjafar um starf Hagstofunnar. Samkvæmt þeim er Hagstofan sjálfstæð stofnun sem heyrir undir fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra. Í 1. gr. laganna segir að Hagstofan sé miðstöð opinberrar hagskýrslugerðar í landinu og hafi forystu um tilhögun, samræmingu og framkvæmd hennar svo og um samskipti við alþjóðastofnanir á þessu sviði.

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