
Time in Algeria

Algeria Standard Time or DPRA Standard Time is the time zone for Algeria.[1] It is 1 hour ahead of GMT/UTC (UTC+01:00) and is co-linear with neighboring Tunisia.

Time zones of Africa:
Light Blue Cape Verde Time[a] (UTC−1)
Blue Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)
Red (UTC+1)
Ochre (UTC+2)
Green East Africa Time (UTC+3)
Turquoise (UTC+4)
a The islands of Cape Verde are to the west of the African mainland.
b Mauritius and the Seychelles are to the east and north-east of Madagascar respectively.

IANA time zone database

The IANA time zone database contains one zone for Algeria in the file zone.tab.

More information coordinates*, TZ* ...


  1. "Algeria Time Zone - Algeria Current Time".

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