"I don't think it makes sense to think about a school day under these circumstances," says Ryan Baker. "I would think in terms of assignments, project work, and meetings." (Credit: Getty Images )

How do we adapt if COVID moves teaching online?

The spread of COVID-19 in the United States may force some schools to close. How should they, and parents, prep for a stretch of teaching online?

Kat Stein-Penn • futurity
March 10, 2020 1 minSource

teen uses computer at home desk

How can K-12 school leaders prepare for weeks or months of teaching online?

“…this is not like an extended snow day. Some of the teachers are going to get sick.”

The COVID-19 virus has started to close schools and college campuses in the United States. Public health officials predict that coronavirus cases will only continue to rise.

Here, Ryan Baker, director of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics at the University of Pennsylvania and an expert on what works and what doesn’t in blended and online learning, discusses what school leaders, teachers, and parents should have in mind if schools close:

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