See tip three below to keep your pets safe. (Credit: Getty Images )

Our top research picks to improve your holidays

Check out some of the most interesting and useful holiday stories from years past, including food safety tips and some Yuletide history.

Camden Flath-Futurity • futurity
Dec. 21, 2022 5 minSource

Happy holidays from Futurity! Here, we’ve gathered some of most useful and interesting holiday posts from years past.

1. Avoid food poisoning

Whether you’re making a Yuletide feast or just cooking for yourself, it’s important to avoid some basic mistakes that can lead to food poisoning. This recent piece has tips to keep you from getting sick. And remember, if you’re having turkey or chicken , definitely don’t wash it before cooking.

Hungry Nom Nom GIF by j.a.c.k.i.e.l.a.n.d
(Credit: Giphy )

And even though the season is filled with sweet treats and heavy meals, experts have some tips for healthier eating during the celebrations.

2. Watch out for ‘wine teeth’

With all the merry-making, your smile might need a bit of extra protection this season. Here’s how to avoid “wine teeth” making your smile as red as Santa’s suit.

3. Keep your pet safe

Humans aren’t the only ones at risk during all the holiday fun. Your four-legged friends can have a hard time, too.

Dog Snow GIF by JustViral.Net
(Credit: Giphy )

Here are some tips to make their celebrations as safe and fun as yours.

4. Get your shuteye

With the bustle of the holiday season, it’s not always easy to get enough sleep. Here are some ideas to make sure you’re well rested for your festivities.

5. Maintain your mental health

The holidays aren’t purely joyful for everyone, and many people experience loneliness, stress, and even depression during the season. Whether you’re dreading the holidays or just feeling a little down , we’ve got tips for you .

Kids aren’t immune from holiday stress, either. Here are ways to help your little ones cope.

And remember, even if you’re trying to empathize with others, don’t go spreading the myth about an increase in suicide during the holidays.

6. Care for family members

When family members are going through dementia or similar diseases, the holidays can be a difficult time. But experts have tips for caregivers to make the season bright and experience connection with loved ones.

7. Grab some last minute gifts

Still looking for gifts for the people on your “nice” list? Check out this post with 22 ideas for sustainable gifts, including some super simple last minute ideas. But you might not want to wrap your gifts too nicely, according to this post .

And finally, here’s some amazing holiday history

Worried about Christmas getting too commercial? You’re not alone. This piece details how those concerns go way back.

In fact, Charles Dickens even used A Christmas Carol to rail against wealth inequality and out-of-control capitalism. Find out more here .

If music is more your thing than literature, check out this post about the nostalgia embedded in your favorite Yuletide tunes.

Did you know it was once common for Jewish households to get a Christmas tree? Learn more about it here .

You can also learn about the first “War on Christmas” waged by the Puritans, who banned celebrating Christmas for a time.

three hands clink champagne glasses

We hope you have a fantastic holiday and a very happy new year!

-The Futurity Team

The post Our top research picks to improve your holidays appeared first on Futurity .

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