"For more than a decade, we have known that two APOL1 gene variants account for much of the excess risk of non-diabetic kidney failure in African Americans, but we have only a limited understanding of how these variants work. Our study provides that insight," says Opeyemi Olabisi. (Credit: Getty Images )
Kidney disease discovery could lead to new therapies for African Americans
"African Americans develop end stage kidney disease at four times the rate of white Americans," but new research could help reduce the disparity.
New research details how two common gene variants among African Americans can cause kidney failure.
The finding could help reduce the racial disparity in kidney disease and point to new treatment approaches and advance investigational therapies that block the gene.
“African Americans develop end stage kidney disease at four times the rate of white Americans and represent more than 30% of people on dialysis,” says study lead author Opeyemi Olabisi, associate professor in the medicine department at Duke University School of Medicine.
“For more than a decade, we have known that two APOL1 gene variants account for much of the excess risk of non-diabetic kidney failure in African Americans, but we have only a limited understanding of how these variants work. Our study provides that insight.”
Two variants in the APOL1 gene—G1 and G2—are known risk factors for kidney disease. These variants arose 5,000 years ago among people in West Africa to provide immunity against African sleeping sickness.
Today, 13% of African Americans carry these two APOL1 gene variants. Approximately 20% of them will develop kidney disease in their lifetime, making APOL1 the most common genetic driver of racial kidney health disparity in the US.
Using mice and human cell lines, Olabisi and colleagues found that the APOL1 G1 causes kidney disease by increasing the flow of sodium into and potassium out of a type of cell in the kidney called the podocyte, which forms a protective barrier in the kidney.
This increased flow of sodium and potassium triggers a series of events that damages the kidney. The researchers were able to reduce that damage using an investigational molecule that blocks the function of the APOL1 protein.
“Insights from this work support ongoing therapeutic strategies testing this APOL1 blocker,” Olabisi says. “Additional cellular mechanisms that we’ve identified could also be explored as new therapeutic targets to treat APOL1-mediated kidney disease, with the hope of reducing the high burden of kidney disease in African Americans.”
The study appears in the Journal of Clinical Investigation .
The National Institutes of Health supported the work.
Source: Duke University
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