
ÖSYM • osym
Dec. 26, 2010 1 min

Commercial logging, mostly for export abroad, accounts for 21% of tropical deforestation. Most tropical countries allow commercial logging to proceed at a much faster rate than is sustainable. For example, in parts of Malaysia, current logging practices remove the forest almost twice as fast as the sustainable rate. If this continues, Malaysia will soon experience shortages of timber and will have to start importing logs. When that happens, Malaysia will have lost future revenues, both from logging and from harvesting other forest products, from its newly vanished forests. Moreover, in addition to commercial logging, cattle ranching also causes deforestation. In fact, approximately 12% of tropical rainforest destruction is done to provide open rangeland for cattle. After the forests are cleared, cattle can be raised on the land for six to ten years, after which time shrubby plants take over the range. Much of the beef raised on these ranches, which are often owned by foreign companies, is exported to fast-food restaurants.

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