Tiny invasive ant makes hunting harder for lions

A tiny invasive ant is disrupting the life of African lions. It's making it harder for them to hunt zebra, their preferred prey.

Karen Dooley-Florida • futurity
Jan. 26, 2024 ~6 min

Ant survival secret inspires way to get materials to work together

Survival strategies used by fire ants may pave the way to revolutionize robotics, medicine, and more, researchers report.

Texas A&M University • futurity
Jan. 5, 2024 ~5 min

Super rare ants found hiding in North Carolina trees

Researchers have found a species of ant so rare that only a handful of records exist from across the entire eastern US.

Matt Shipman-NC State • futurity
Nov. 30, 2023 ~4 min

Why invasive ants are a silent threat to our ecosystems

Invasive ants are a major threat to biodiversity, according to a study.

Maximillian Tercel, PhD candidate, Cardiff University • conversation
Sept. 19, 2023 ~6 min

Parasite protects its ‘zombies’ from hot sun

A brain-altering parasite called the liver fluke turns ants into zombies at dawn and dusk, report researchers.

Michael Skov Jensen-Copenhagen • futurity
Sept. 18, 2023 ~6 min

Transgenic ants glow in response to alarm pheromones

The world's first transgenic ants have olfactory sensory neurons that flash green in response to odorants.

Katherine Fenz-Rockefeller • futurity
June 15, 2023 ~8 min

Smell is the crucial sense that holds ant society together, helping the insects recognize, communicate and cooperate with one another

Researchers explore what happens when ants can’t properly use smell to detect friend from foe.

Stephen Ferguson, Postdoctoral Scholar in Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University • conversation
March 13, 2023 ~7 min

Mutant queens are clues to social parasite ants

Most ants are hard workers, but some are total layabouts. A new study shows how social parasite ants become the leisure class of the colony.

Rockefeller University • futurity
March 3, 2023 ~10 min

Animal architecture: why we need to design buildings for wildlife as well as people

Our lives are intertwined with animals, insects and birds – we should consider them more when we design our cities.

Paul Dobraszczyk, Lecturer in Architecture, UCL • conversation
March 2, 2023 ~6 min

Rock ant meandering is actually methodical

Ants may appear to wander aimlessly, but some actually search for food and shelter in a more methodical way.

Daniel Stolte-Arizona • futurity
Feb. 10, 2023 ~8 min
