Reintroducing top predators to the wild is risky but necessary – here's how we can ensure they survive

New research studies the factors that determine whether large carnivore reintroductions will be a success.

Seth Thomas, Research assistant, University of Oxford • conversation
Feb. 17, 2023 ~7 min

Megalodon sharks ruled the oceans millions of years ago – new analyses of giant fossilized teeth are helping scientists unravel the mystery of their extinction

Megalodon, the world’s largest known shark species, swam the oceans long before humans existed. Its teeth are all that’s left, and they tell a story of an apex predator that vanished.

Sora Kim, Assistant Professor of Paleoecology, University of California, Merced • conversation
July 20, 2022 ~8 min

Will Colorado bring back wolves? It's up to voters

For the first time in the US, a ballot measure will ask voters whether to restore wolves to a place where they've been eradicated. Coloradans have strong views on both sides.

Kevin Crooks, Professor of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology , Colorado State University • conversation
Oct. 16, 2020 ~11 min

Don't blame cats for destroying wildlife – shaky logic is leading to moral panic

Framing cats as responsible for declines in biodiversity is based on faulty scientific logic and fails to account for the real culprit – human activity.

Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison • conversation
July 30, 2020 ~7 min
