All in the family

New studies show that caste and ethnic identity play an outsize role in how business interacts with government in developing countries.

Leda Zimmerman | Department of Political Science • mit
June 4, 2024 ~9 min

Weather risk can move markets months in advance: Stock traders pay attention to these 2 long-range climate forecasts

Option price swings show how much traders believe seasonal climate and weather matters for all sorts of industries, not just the ones you might expect.

Derek Lemoine, Professor of Economics, University of Arizona • conversation
May 14, 2024 ~8 min

HPI-MIT design research collaboration creates powerful teams

Together, the Hasso Plattner Institute and MIT are working toward novel solutions to the world’s problems as part of the Designing for Sustainability research program.

MIT Morningside Academy for Design • mit
May 3, 2024 ~15 min

3 Questions: Enhancing last-mile logistics with machine learning

MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics Director Matthias Winkenbach uses AI to make vehicle routing more efficient and adaptable for unexpected events.

Lauren Hinkel | MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab • mit
April 16, 2024 ~13 min

Food fraud is a growing economic and health issue – but AI and blockchain technology can help combat it

Food fraud costs billions globally. But blockchain and machine learning offer hope for a more transparent and safer food system.

Milind Tiwari, Lecturer in Fraud and Financial Crime Studies, Charles Sturt University • conversation
April 2, 2024 ~7 min

America’s green manufacturing boom, from EV batteries to solar panel production, isn’t powered by renewable energy − yet

New charts and data show how corporate demand could boost clean energy investment in regions where renewable energy potential is strong but wind and solar power have lagged.

James Morton Turner, Professor of Environmental Studies, Wellesley College • conversation
April 2, 2024 ~7 min

Study finds workers misjudge wage markets

Employees underestimate salary levels in their own industry, leading them to spend less time exploring the job market.

Peter Dizikes | MIT News • mit
March 14, 2024 ~7 min

How the livestock industry has shaped climate policy

"...the livestock industry has shaped public opinion and public policy to ensure that it can continue to operate and emit as usual."

Diana Udel - U. Miami • futurity
March 5, 2024 ~5 min

Meat and dairy industry giants hold the plant power behind many vegan brands

A sustainable food system starts with a fairer corporate structure. It won’t simply come from a shift in consumer habits during Veganuary’s push for people to eat a more plant-based diet. Here’s why.

Benjamin Selwyn, Professor of International Relations and International Development, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex • conversation
Jan. 23, 2024 ~7 min

Think wine is a virtue, not a vice? Nutrition label information surprised many US consumers

People may be surprised when they read a nutrition label on a bottle of wine. The industry should take note.

Deidre Popovich, Associate Professor of Marketing, Texas Tech University • conversation
Jan. 22, 2024 ~5 min
