Pacemaker powered by light eliminates need for batteries and allows the heart to function more naturally − new research

Researchers designed an ultrathin pacemaker that can be implanted via minimally invasive techniques, potentially improving recovery time and reducing the risk of complications.

Pengju Li, Ph.D. Candidate in Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering • conversation
March 15, 2024 ~6 min

How do pacemakers and defibrillators work? A cardiologist explains how they interact with the electrical system of the heart

Heart rates that are too slow or too fast can sometimes be lethal. Medical implants can help the heart get its rhythm back.

Virginia Singla, Clinical Assistant Professor of Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh • conversation
Dec. 11, 2023 ~10 min

Workplace flexibility linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease

Harvard study is among the first to assess whether changes in work environment can hold cardiometabolic risk at bay.

Maya Brownstein • harvard
Nov. 8, 2023 ~5 min

Cancer has many faces − 5 counterintuitive ways scientists are approaching cancer research to improve treatment and prevention

From math to evolutionary game theory, looking at cancer through different lenses can offer further insights on how to approach treatment resistance, metastasis and health disparities.

Vivian Lam, Associate Health and Biomedicine Editor • conversation
Nov. 1, 2023 ~11 min

Could a single drug treat the two leading causes of death in the US: cancer and cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease and cancer share many parallels in their origins and how they develop. Nanoparticles offer one potential way to effectively treat both with reduced side effects.

Bryan Smith, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Michigan State University • conversation
Sept. 6, 2023 ~9 min

Many people think cannabis smoke is harmless − a physician explains how that belief can put people at risk

Clinical trials have demonstrated the health benefits of cannabis for certain conditions, but many aren’t testing smoked or vaped forms. Research on cannabis smoke is raising concerns.

Beth Cohen, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco • conversation
Aug. 30, 2023 ~6 min

Prescriptions for fruits and vegetables can improve the health of people with diabetes and other ailments, new study finds

When people taking part in 22 pilot programs across the US got free fruits and vegetables, their health improved.

Fang Fang Zhang, Professor of Epidemiology, Tufts University • conversation
Aug. 29, 2023 ~5 min

Lab-grown ‘ghost hearts' work to solve organ transplant shortage by combining a cleaned-out pig heart with a patient’s own stem cells

Scientist Doris Taylor explains how she and her team are creating bioengineered human hearts in their lab with the goal of one day eliminating the need for heart transplants.

Doris Taylor, Regenerative Medicine Lecturer, University of New Hampshire • conversation
Aug. 10, 2023 ~9 min

Annual numbers of excess deaths in the US relative to other developed countries are growing at an alarming rate

New research shows that preventable deaths are increasing in the US at the same time that life expectancy keeps dropping.

Patrick Heuveline, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles • conversation
June 13, 2023 ~6 min

Drugs that melt away pounds still present more questions than answers, but Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro could be key tools in reducing the obesity epidemic

Anti-obesity medications are becoming the go-to treatment for weight loss. But drugs alone may not provide the same benefits as lifestyle choices like exercise and a healthy diet.

Wesley Dudgeon, Professor of Exercise Science and Interim Dean of the School of Health Sciences, College of Charleston • conversation
June 1, 2023 ~12 min
