Rare access to hammerhead shark embryos reveals secrets of its unique head development

Because hammerhead sharks give birth to live young, studying their embryonic development is much more complicated than harvesting some eggs and watching them develop in real time.

Gareth J. Fraser, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Developmental Biology, University of Florida • conversation
March 8, 2024 ~5 min

Synthetic human embryos let researchers study early development while sidestepping ethical and logistical hurdles

Early human development is a complex, multistep process that’s even more complicated to study in the lab. Models made from stem cells avoid some of the trouble with using real human embryos.

Min Yang, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington • conversation
Feb. 7, 2024 ~10 min

Zebrafish are a scientist's favorite for early-stage research – especially to study human blood disorders

Of the many qualities that make the zebrafish a model organism, the fact that it shares 70% of the genes humans have makes it an ideal candidate for developmental biology research.

Raquel Espín-Palazón, Assistant Professor of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology, Iowa State University • conversation
Aug. 7, 2023 ~7 min

Most human embryos naturally die after conception – restrictive abortion laws fail to take this embryo loss into account

Human embryos are far more likely to die than come to term, an evolutionary trait seen across species. Laws granting personhood at conception ignore built-in embryo loss, with potentially grave consequences.

Kathryn Kavanagh, Associate Professor of Biology, UMass Dartmouth • conversation
Sept. 1, 2022 ~10 min

Meet _Qikiqtania_, a fossil fish with the good sense to stay in the water while others ventured onto land

The newly discovered species – Qikiqtania – highlights evolution’s twisty, tangled path.

Thomas Stewart, Assistant Professor of Biology, Penn State • conversation
July 20, 2022 ~9 min

A new treatment helped frogs regenerate their amputated legs – taking science one step closer to helping people regrow their body parts, too

Unlike humans, many animals are able to regenerate their limbs after losing them. Giving the body the right conditions for regrowth might allow people to recover lost limbs as well.

Nirosha Murugan, Assistant Professor of Biology, Algoma University • conversation
Jan. 28, 2022 ~7 min

Study suggests embryos could be susceptible to coronavirus as early as second week of pregnancy

Genes that are thought to play a role in how the SARS-CoV-2 virus infects our cells have been found to be active in embryos as early as during the second week

Cambridge University News • cambridge
Aug. 5, 2020 ~5 min
